5 Questions

The Questions

  1. If you could change your name, what would you call yourself?
  2. What does your ideal sandwich have in it?
  3. Are you a morning or night person?
  4. If you could magically become fluent in a language of your choice, what language would it be?
  5. Would you rather live in a place where the temperature is always below five degrees or always above 35 degrees?
Erin Benham
Erin Benham
  1. I wouldn’t want to change my name, I love my name.
  2. My favourite sandwich when I went to school was ham and pickled onions as it didn’t go soggy in your lunchbox but if I was at home making it fresh it would be ham, wholegrain bread, mustard, onion, tomato, lettuce and aioli.
  3. Morning person, the earlier you get up the more hours you have to enjoy.
  4. Ancient Egyptian.
  5. Always above 35 degress



Tyson Biffin
Tyson Biffin
Carmen Hauptman
Carmen Hauptman
  1. Maverick
  2. Bread
  3. Night
  4. Vietnamese
  5. Above 35 degrees every day of the week


  1. Amy
  2. Christmas ham, coleslaw and sweet mustard pickle from Jam Lady Jam
  3. Night
  4. French
  5. Below five degrees















Mia Langford
Mia Langford
  1. Maya
  2. Mustard seeds, chicken, avocado, rocket and roasted vegetables
  3. Morning
  4. Italian
  5. Below five degrees


Josh Wilson
Josh Wilson
  1. Josh
  2. Hot chicken, lettuce, cheese and mayonnaise
  3. Night
  4. Japanese
  5. Below five degrees


Sinead Long
Sinead Long
  1. Megan
  2. Bacon and avocado toasted sandwich
  3. Night
  4. Japanese
  5. Above 35 degrees