Principal's Notes

A note from the Principal

As we launch into phase two of remote learning for students at Years 7-10 I have found myself considering the challenges ahead.


During those reflections I have taken strength from the way our senior students have coped in recent times with everything that has been thrown their way. As well I am filled with a strong sense of optimism when I consider the continuing dedication, flexibility, hard work and energy being exhibited by the staff members of Healesville High School. Adding to my sense of confidence is the consistent flow of support, patience and goodwill from the parents and guardians of our school community. I also recall with clarity the remarkable work of our Year 7-10 students during remote learning phase one.  


Given the positivity and determination of our senior students to carry on with ‘business as usual’ in the most unusual of times, the resolve of all staff member to support our students , the successes achieved by Year 7-10 students earlier this year and the support being offered by parents and guardians I feel we are extremely well-placed to once again attack remote learning.


Students, engage with the remote learning process and accept every support offered to you by teachers, support staff, parents and guardians. Be confident that throughout this pandemic our school community has achieved amazing results; we have controlled everything which is within our power to control and have supported each other to endure whatever has been outside our realm of influence. As a community we will continue to succeed!

We see connection to each other in these times as being pivotal to our success and as one small way to maintain our connection we will return to a weekly publication of this newsletter, ‘Healesville High Connections’.


Students AND parents, please consider contributing to upcoming editions – we’d love to read about your remote learning experiences, about how you are coping with stage three restrictions and your achievements along the way. I always enjoy finding out a little more about staff members and students and hope that Karyn in the general office is swamped with further contributions. Congratulations this week to Madisyn and Sinead, our senior school ‘stars’.


Best wishes everyone, stay safe.

Allan Rennick