Curriculum News

Nouvelles du curriculum

Remote Learning Curriculum Updates


As always our wonderful team have been looking for ways to enhance our student's online learning experiences. Below are some of the things we are implementing to our programs.


Digital Incursions

During this last week the Grade 3/4 students have experienced a writing incursion where they have met and worked with authors and created their own writing masterpieces.  I enjoyed reading some of the student's superheros cartoons.


During this last week the students have also participated in  wellbeing meditation digital incursions with Tammy Roos. The Preps have their session today and we are looking forward to learning more about how this can help us be healthy people.


We are currently looking into more opportunities for the children to engage in digital incursions to support their learning. 



Over the Remote Learning periods some classes have trialled an online science program  called Generation Genius. This have proven to be engaging and has had positive feedback. We have now taken a whole school subscription and you will see more of these engaging science learning movies with fun tasks throughout our remote learning.



We have been welcoming Madame Sarah to our online Google French lessons. It is great to have Sarah on board supporting our French learning. Sarah has been developing short movie clips for the children to use when she is not with them. I have loved the little videos that the Preps have been creating introducing their families and asking them how they are.


As always stay safe and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Kind Regards,

