Principal's Report
Welcome back to Term 2. We hope that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable Easter break and holiday with family and friends. We are looking forward to an exciting term of learning for students with new and engaging units of inquiry. Also this term students will take part in: Yr 1, 3 & 4 Swimming, Education week, Open Night, Grandparents & Special Friends Day, as well as many other incursions and excursions to support their learning.
Year 6 has been inquiring into How the world works and how scientists undertake experimentation to contest and revise theories to create new findings. This week we were fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to participate in several chemical science experiments, run by scientist and parent of past Milgate students, Niem. Students enjoyed creating a ‘rainbow reaction tube’ and explored how different acids and bases react with water. They then used universal indicators and investigated the pH scale and where common items sit on this scale.
Year 3 participated in a Melbourne city walk on Thursday to begin their new PYP inquiry, How We Express Ourselves. They explored the city looking through the lens of design and art. Using iPads, they collected images of design and art that they observed during their walk. Art and design were found in architecture, sculpture, statues, fashion even on the ground that we walked on. We began our walk at the Exhibition Buildings and ended in the Great Hall of the NGV under the suspended stained-glass ceiling.
Congratulations to Emily Ceko, one of our teachers, who left at the end of last term to go on maternity leave, and her partner Ryan, on the birth of their baby Ruby Adeline. Ruby was born on 25 April. We wish Emily and Ryan much happiness with their new baby.
Jasmine Misaghian (teacher of 2JM) leaves Milgate PS today to go on maternity leave to have her baby. We wish Jasmine and her husband, Sasan, all the best and look forward to meeting her new baby sometime in the future.
We welcome Sian Katsineris who will be teaching Jasmine’s class for the remainder of the year while Jasmine is on leave.
Last Wednesday, our student leaders, Naomi and Sahil attended the Schools ANZAC service at the Templestowe Memorial Reserve. There were many schools from Manningham who attended with special guests from the Manningham council, RSL and local members of parliament. A school band provided the music and a number of people spoke with the school leaders from Donvale Christian College reading the ANZAC requiem. Each school laid a wreath at the Memorial as a mark of respect and in memory of the ANZACs.
Our fortnightly SWPBS focus is We are caring - walk past classrooms quietly. The students will participate in explicit lessons and discuss the importance of transitioning quickly and quietly.
On Wednesday May 11 at 7:30pm, Georgina Manning from Wellbeing for Kids will be presenting the parent seminar 'Understanding & Supporting children with Anxiety'. This seminar will be held over Zoom, with the login details being sent out at a later date. You do not have to sign up to attend.
Below are the areas Georgina will be covering during the seminar.
Parents learn:
- The foundations that help to prevent anxiety
- Parenting strategies to develop resilience in children
- How to recognise the signs of anxiety
- Practical strategies to support anxious children
Parent are supported to teach their child how to: - Lessen anxiety
- Use practical strategies to cope with anxiety
- Simple self-regulation strategies
- Cope with life’s ups and downs
- Support their child through anxious feelings
- Become more resilient & face fears
A great selection of wonderful gifts will be available for children to purchase at the
Mother’s Day Stall, to be held in the Grade 1 corridor on Tuesday 3rd of May, Wednesday 4th of May and Friday 6th of May during the Mother’s Day Morning Tea.
Gifts will range from $5 to $10 (limited supply of $2 gifts)
Feel free to come have a peep on the Monday afternoon and see what is on offer.
Please note that teachers will inform the class of their allocated day and we kindly ask that you send a bag to carry the special gift home in.
Mother’s Day Morning Tea
Friday 6th May 8.00am to 9.30am
Come mingle with other school parents/carers whilst browsing the stall for that last minute gift.
Hot and cold beverages, savouries and sweets will be available. More information to follow on Compass closer to the event.
A Coffee Cart will be serving coffees from 8am on basketball courts
In Term 2 Milgate PS will have pupil free days on the following dates:
- Wednesday 25 May
- Thursday 2 June
- Friday 3 June
There will be no school for students on these days and on all of the above days staff will be engaged in professional learning.
In the last few years, teachers have been granted a Professional Practice Day each term. On this day they can structure their own professional learning such as preparing resources, visiting other schools, investigating new approaches, etc. Teachers usually do this in teams and they are released for the day which means that CRTs / replacement teachers are booked to teach their classes on these days. However, as it is very challenging for schools to get replacement teachers at the moment due to increased COVID absences, the Dept of Ed has given schools permission to hold the Professional Practice day for Term 2 on the same day and there will be no school for students on that day. Milgate PS will have the Professional Practice Day on Wednesday 25 May.
Our other 2 final pupil free days for the year will be on Thursday 2 June and Friday 3 June which have been approved by school council.
If you require care for your children on these days, please contact Team Kids