A wonderful start to Term Two

Congratulations to our year 10 students for there commitment to both their academic studies, sport, and extra-curricular activities so far this term. Students have been able to return to Recreational sport outside the school grounds which is a fantastic opportunity for them to experience a variety of fun and engaging activities. Students will have the choice of to participating in Ice Skating, Ten Pin Bowling, Flip Out, Rock Climbing, Gym, Walking and Bike Riding.
Preparing for successful assessment in Year 10
It is great to see students working hard leading up to their up-and-coming assessment tasks. There are several in class and research tasks that students will be completing in a variety of subjects. In week 3 of the school term these include Photography, Geography, English, Commerce and Maths and in week 4 Music and Food Technology. It is important that all year 10 students take a dedicated and consistent approach towards completing school-based assessment to successfully obtain the Record of School Achievement (ROSA). School reports will be going home later this term to communicate to parents/carers about their child’s progress and commitment to learning.
Year 10 students working hard to prepare for their in-class Science examination
Staff Development Day Success
Our teaching staff had several opportunities to participate in professional learning at our Staff Development Day on Tuesday 26 April 2022. Teachers immersed themselves in strategies to support students across several areas linked to our school strategic directions. The areas addressed were English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D), A Learning and Response Matrix (ALARM) and Quality Teaching linked to assessment. It was great to see staff work collaboratively across Key Learning Area’s and in their own faculty groups. What a joy it was for staff to work collaboratively and in person.
Quality teaching in Action
ANZAC Day Ceremony
I would like to commend our Captains and Vice Captains Jessica Narvaiza, Andrew Gewargis, Brandon Nguyen and Lara Ly for their ANZAC day presentation. It was a very moving service that certainly commemorated the sacrifices of Australian and New Zealand military who died during the war and in particularly our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander personnel.
It was very well received by all students and staff. A special thanks to our Head Teacher of History (Sean Griffiths) for his coordination of the event.
Christine Lord
Deputy Principal - Year 7 (2023) andYear 10