Our dedicated staff welcome you back

Welcome back to Term 2! I hope that everyone enjoyed a break and for those that celebrate, had a very happy Easter, Eid and any other celebrations during that time.
We have certainly hit the ground running this term, with many events already taking place:
Despite the rain and soggy grounds, Mr Evans and the PE team managed to hold our school cross country, with some outstanding efforts by our student who will now progress onto the Zone carnival.
Year 7 have splashed, swung, climbed and collaborated at The Great Aussie Bush Camp! A good time was had by all and as always, students are to be commended on their behaviour, positive attitude and great teamwork.
After two years without these important events, it is great to once again be able to provide these experiences for our students. The upcoming calendar is already packed so thank you to our wonderful staff who always go above and beyond to organise these events.
Year 11 and Year 12 Parent Teacher Evening
A reminder that this event will be held on Monday 9 May from 3:30pm to 6pm in the school library and surrounding classrooms. Bookings are available, so please check your emails or contact the office to make your appointments.
Please follow the COVID-safe guidelines if attending this event and if you are unwell, please stay home.
Well done to Diana Kulevski, who was recently named the International Student Coordinator of the Year! The award recognises professional excellence in delivering services and support to international students.
Diana is a longstanding staff member at Cecil Hills High School. Alongside being our International Student Adviser, Diana is a member of our English faculty, as well as being our Aboriginal Education Coordinator.
Held at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney, international students, coordinators, and Department of Education International executives attended this prestigious event. The NSW Government Schools International Student Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of international students and their significant contributions to our schools and communities. The awards also recognise school and staff excellence in supporting international students.
Well done and well-deserved Diana!
Change to isolation requirements for close contacts
From the beginning of Term 2, students who are identified as close contacts will be able to attend school at the principal’s discretion with the following risk mitigations in place:
- Parents/carers must notify the school if their child is a close contact and intends to attend school;
- Students should conduct a daily rapid antigen test (RAT) and receive a negative result each morning before attending school for 5 subsequent school days;
- High school students identified as close contacts must wear a mask in all indoor settings when at school;
- Close contacts are not allowed to enter support classes, assisted transport or attend overnight excursions for 7 days from identification as a contact.
Student Leave Requests
Understandably, as international travel reopens we are seeing an increase in applications for extended leave. A reminder that extended leave in during school time will only be approved in exceptional circumstances. To apply for leave:
- inform the school and your child’s deputy principal as soon as possible;
- complete the Application for Extended Leave form provided by the deputy principal and return with a copy of your travel itinerary and an explanation of any extenuating circumstances.
Any leave during school time will have a negative impact on classwork and assessment and may put students at risk of not completing course outcomes – especially in Stage 6.
I look forward to another great term of working with the Cecil Hills High School community – still, the best school in NSW!
Michael Lane
Relieving Principal