Specialist News

Term 2 Week 3

Feature News - Indonesian and Kitchen/Garden

Selamat siang semua!


How is it week tiga already? Time flies when you’re having a ball in the classroom! 


Over the last few weeks, Foundation have finished their unit on warna and can very confidently sing and name a variety of colours in Indonesian! They are starting to learn how to say some classroom objects and follow some basic instructions in Indonesian.


Kelas 1/2 have become absolute professionals at scavenger hunts in Indonesian! Using labels around the classroom, 1/2 students can find and name a huge variety of objects including pensil, krayon, meja, kursi, televisi and much more! It’s been fun spotting all the “borrowed words” from English and other languages - how many languages do you think the word kursi or “chair” is found?

Kelas 3/4 are wrapping up their mini numbers unit, where students have been learning the number patterns from 1-50. Students have been able to use their maths skills to create and recognise numbers.

In 5/6, students have been learning directions and how to describe the location of an object. Students have been dancing, creating “human code” for someone to find objects, and describing where characters are located on a map.


Is it strange to be excited about compost? Perhaps it's just the gardener in me!

This term has already started off on a good note as our compost bins have entered the classroom and are ready to collect fruit and veggie scraps from staff and students throughout the week. This is collected by our Sustainability Student Leaders and mixed with dry leaves, ripped paper and cardboard into our compost to help create delicious compost for our garden!

Our seeds that were planted by 1/2 classes last term have all sprouted and the garden is lush with silverbeet, flowers, parsley, potatoes, basil seedlings and so much more! 

In the kitchen, all classes have cooked up a historic but delicious recipe - Anzac biscuits! An easy recipe for our senior school; students took the lead in the kitchen the last two weeks - using the skills learnt from Term 1 to measure, mix, melt and roll biscuits, carefully following the recipe (with only a little help from teachers!). A great snack to have at home - why not try the recipe yourself?


Anzac biscuits


  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 2 cups plain flour
  • 2 cups coconut
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 250g nuttelex
  • 4 tbs golden syrup
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 2 tbs boiling water
  1. Turn oven to 160°C. Lightly grease oven trays/cover with baking paper/use non-stick oven tray.
  2. Place oats, flour, coconut, sugar in big mixing bowl.
  3. Melt nuttelex and golden syrup in saucepan. Take off heat.
  4. Mix baking soda and boiling water in a cup. Add to melted nuttelex mixture in the pan. Quickly add to big mixing bowl. Mix well.
  5. Roll tablespoonfuls of the mixture into balls. Place on trays 5cm apart. Press down lightly.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes until golden.

Community Connections

We’re looking for families and community members to support the garden program throughout the week. If you are interested, please feel free to contact myself or the school email and let us know! We would love support with classes, or if you would like to plant, prune, weed or water - or anything in between! You don't need to be an expert in gardening, just willing to learn!

Bu Marissa Mundy and Mrs Gil

Pupil of the Week:


Junior: Summer A (1/2SS)

Only your second lesson of Indonesian and you are using new language! You show a real love of learning when finding new classroom object vocabulary to use in Indonesian. Bagus sekali, Summer!


Senior: Sukriti V (5/6B)

For showing an enthusiastic attitude when learning directions in Indonesian! Your curiosity to learn and try new activities shows in how fast you pick up new words! Hebat

Performing Arts

Junior: Millie B (FJ)

For demonstrating musicality and creativity when completing dance moves to the song 'Pinnochio'. Great work!


Senior: Sam S (3/4R) 

For demonstrating outstanding listening skills and focus when interpreting and analysing  the music from 'Carnival of the animals'.  What a star!

Physical Education

Junior: Lucky B (1/2K)

For showing bravery when performing a movement sequence task. Lucky, you have shown amazing growth and have work hard on improving your movement skills this year. Awesome work Lucky!


Senior: Karmveer R (3/4H)

For displaying perseverance and drive in cross country practice. Karmveer, you approach all tasks without hesitation, always striving to be your best. Inspiring Work Karmveer!

Visual Arts

Junior: Ruby L (1/2ET)

For displaying creativity and perseverance when completing your paper collage uniform for 'Anzac Ted'. You approach all work with a positive attitude and work diligently to complete your artwork! Keep up the great work Ruby!


Senior: Harry E (5/6EB)

For displaying responsibility in Visual Arts. You worked hard to complete your warm and cool painted paper work before carefully cutting out cardboard for your base. Awesome work Harry!