Discovery Centre


Halo semuanya!


It has been another amazing week in the Discovery Centre! We ended our week with crazy and creative hairstyles for our Crazy Hair Day Fundraiser. Students felt that it was important to donate a gold coin to flood affected Kindergartens in NSW and hope that the money can support them to rebuild and more specifically, buy toys!


In Literacy sessions, we started learning our two letter codes. This week we will practise oo, ch, ar, ay and ai. You may like to discuss these codes and notice them in the names of your family members. If you attended our Parent Phonogram Course on Thursday, you might have started your codes learning journey too! Don’t forget we will have our second session this Thursday 7-8pm. Students have been excited to notice these codes when reading and practising Magic 100 Words. We have been blown away by the students already experimenting with new codes in their writing too.


In Mathematics last week we used play money to purchase the materials and tools that we would need to make a card for a special lady in our lives. Students were involved in role play scenarios to buy and sell the supplies such as coloured paper, scissors, glue sticks and other craft materials, remembering of course to pay and collect our change. We also revisited 2D Shapes and encouraged students to describe them based on their sides and corners. You may enjoy being shape detectives at home by noticing shapes in the world around you!

You may have seen snippets of our exciting Guided Inquiry antics this week on the MPRPS private instagram page. As a part of the 'Our Changing World' unit, we spent time outside planting our own grass seeds in a cup! Students discovered the process of planting their seeds through exploration and explained the steps required to one another while doing so. This gave students the confidence to create a materials list and procedure in their very own Plant Journal. We look forward to taking on the role of scientist this term by observing our seeds grow throughout the term and recording our discoveries. Keep an eye out on Seesaw for our planting recounts that students wrote to inform you about our time spent all together planting beans, seeds and vegetables!

In Wellbeing, we have been discussing and using our Character Strengths in the classroom, outside in the playground and even at home! Across the Foundation classes, we often refer to perseverance to tackle challenges, teamwork when working with others and creativity to come up with new ideas and solutions. We also spent time outside on Wurundjeri Country using our senses to reconnect with nature and make observations. Students explored with their ears, eyes and fingers and used their super smelling nose, to listen, look, touch and smell their surroundings.


We look forward to another fun week! Some highlights last week were planting our seeds and our first Junior Rotations.


We hope that all of the special ladies of the Discovery Centre had a wonderful day on Sunday.


The Foundation Team,

Brooke Henwood, Ella Gasowski and Jessica Tossell

Student Voice

After mastering our knowledge about 2D Shapes, students reflected on their learnings.

“I can teach my buddy…”

  • Nathan K - "The difference between semi circles and circles"
  • Shazil S - "About sides and corners"
  • Chloe C - "Squares have 4 sides"


  • Last week we created a STEM incursion activity on Sentral. Please see that you provide consent for your child to participate via Sentral. If you have any troubles or questions feel free to contact the office or your child's teacher.
  • Please ensure you only pack water for your child to drink throughout the day.
  • We have our Junior Cross Country event on Thursday 12th May on the oval from 2.30-3.30. Students are looking forward to the event and you may like to support them by coming along to watch.
  • If you are interested in being a PMP parent helper, please see our sign up sheet at the office.
  • If you are interested in being a classroom parent helper, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher through Sentral.
  • Parent Phonogram Course Session 2: Thursday 12th May 7-8pm.
  • As a part of our literacy groups students have begun exploring the Reading Eggs App. Your child may be interested in practising at home. Their individual login details can be found in the front of their reading journal, along with Mathletics logins.

Pupil of the Week

FG: Iman H -

For using your codes to sound out new words when writing. You are working so hard to hear lots of sounds in order and record them on your paper. Keep it up, Iman!


FH: Amelie T -

For demonstrating a love of learning in Writing, by challenging yourself to write the sounds you could hear in new words. The way you looked around the classroom to spell key words including the date and 'junior playground' was very clever! 


FJ: Lenny M -

For using leadership to organise our class materials shop. You clearly sorted and priced items for your classmates to make purchases. Well done, Lenny!