
Ms Deb Haddow


It’s been an exciting and busy term. Our Wellbeing Team have been working on a number of projects.


THRIVE is up and running in every classroom, together with the Whole School Behaviour Management model. Sarah Roney, our THRIVE Network Leader has been working with students in class and even organised some THRIVE days with some year levels.


Curriculum Day Staff completed Berry Street Education Training to further support our practices in supporting students. We are introducing aspects of this gradually over the next term. Classes are completing Welcoming Circles each day to check in with their students and promote some positive thinking.  Classes are discussing what stress looks like to them and capturing their thoughts on diagrams. These will help us to build ‘Ready to Learn Plans’ for each student.


Bella our Therapy Dog is a huge success. She has met about 1/3 of the school already this term. She feels very relaxed in the Art room now, and the students are very comfortable with her being there. Next week some new classes will meet her. We have plans to expand the program with her further next term.


We are working towards our bigger picture of Classroom Helpers to assist in the classrooms. I’m sure you miss being here helping as much as we miss having you here with us. We have been working around directives from the Department to maximise our COVID-safety plans. Thank you for your patience with all of this. More details will be coming soon.



Get Active Victoria is free to join, and gives you access to a huge resource of tips and tools for being more physically active. You won’t need any fancy gear and expensive equipment to try our guided videos or activity ideas. We can also help with motivation, bringing together a goal-setting tool and an activity tracker on your own personal dashboard. Get Active Victoria has something for everyone. Join the movement, today.


https://www.getactive.vic.gov.au/vouchers/apply-for-vouchers/ The Get Active Kids Voucher Program helps eligible families get their kids involved in organised sport and active recreation activities. Eligible children may receive up to $200 to cover the costs for membership and registration fees.


Who is eligible?

To be reimbursed your child/dependant must be:

  • aged 0 to 18 years
  • a resident in Victoria
  • a valid and issued Australian Government Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card or hold their own valid Australian Government Health Care Card (at the time of your application), and
  • named on a valid Australian Government Medicare Card (at the time of your application)

You can apply for multiple children but you must apply separately for each child.


We are a Sunsmart School and have a Sunsmart Policy we follow. Thank you for helping us to encourage your child to wear their broad brimmed school hat to protect their skin. 






Litter in the yard We are working hard to take more pride in our grounds. Students are encouraged to ensure their litter goes in the class or outdoor rubbish bin. The Wellbeing Team have been working through a process of electing more SRC helpers so we can have some Health Ambassadors as  well. Bunnings kindly donated some tongs and buckets to help keep our yard clean. The Health Ambassadors will manage that project.


Additional SRC students are being elected by their classes so they can work with our SRC Captains to help fundraise for needy organisations. 


Happy, Happy Holidays  Easter is in the middle of it all, ANZAC Day attached to the end of the break.  Our Student Captains and SRC Captains have been invited to be part of the service at the Langwarrin Community Centre on April 8.  We will host our ANZAC Day Service on the first day of term 2.


Deb Haddow