Southern Stars

On Thursday 9 June, our Southern Stars dance group travelled by bus to Berkeley Sports Stadium to practice their dance act "Waterloo" by ABBA with 9 other schools. We danced all day long and our legs and arms were very tired at the end of the day. As always, Windang students showed resilience and grit to continue, knowing it was something they had committed to. These wonderful students were on their best behaviour, wearing our uniform with pride and encouraging others to keep going. 


Rehearsal Update:

We have another rehearsal this term scheduled for Thursday 30 June (Week 10) at the Win Entertainment Centre. It will be another all day rehearsal. I will update parents and students this week regarding travel and times.


Ticket purchase:

Tickets are available for purchase to watch the shows on Monday 20 June via Ticketmaster. Below is a link to the Win Entertainment Centre's webpage for further details. 


Miss Khaika

Southern Stars Coordinator