From the Principal's Desk

Dear parents and carers, 


Welcome back, Mrs Kocovska!

Mrs Kocovska has returned to school feeling healthy, positive and ready to lead us into Semester 2. She has proven to us all how strong she is, and also how dedicated she is to Windang Public School.


Yesterday, Monday 20 June, we were successful in our “Secret Mission” – Mrs Kocovska was definitely surprised when she arrived at school and saw the pink balloons and the amazing banner with messages from every student. Then, when all students began to arrive in their pink outfits, she was even more surprised! The outfits were fabulous! We also raised $130 to donate to Breast Cancer Australia. Thank you to all of our families for making such a great effort.  We kept the ship sailing, and it is just wonderful to have our captain back!

Student Leadership

Our Student Leaders recently participated in a Leadership Development Day at Lake Illawarra High School. Congratulations to our amazing students; Ginny, Immy S, Phoenix, Peyton, Ellie-May, Victoria, Jarvis, Piper, Lachie and Immy W for representing our school. They were involved in activities that explored their personal leadership, teamwork skills, relationships, positive influence, collective vision, actioning common goals, serving others, project action planning and communication. It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to collaborate with others from across our community of schools and show their potential as future leaders. 

Thank you!

Being the Relieving Principal of Windang Public School has been an absolute honour. I have loved every moment of leading our fantastic school. Thank you to all students, staff, families and community members for your incredible support. I have built the most amazing relationships, and in returning to my role as Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction, I look forward to continuing to work closely with you all. Windang Public School is a school of excellence, and I’m so grateful that I’m part of the amazing team here!


Mrs Ashley Davies