Lunchtime Events & Activities News - Term 2

Lunchtime Events & Activities News Term 2 2022
We are so excited to have a jammed packed activity filled term with all of our Lunchtime Events or Activities in Term 2.
The Team have planned heaps of great events and activities for this term based on the feedback you gave us at the end of Term 1.
We cannot wait to share these fantastic Events and Activities with you over this term and can’t wait to see you there!
Some of this terms clubs and activities include:
- Bits & Bobs Club
- STEAM Club
- Music Club
- Barre Club
- Book Trivia
- Vedic Maths
- Open Gym Class
- Amigurumi Club (Japanese Crochet Club)
2022 IDAHOBIT Day Colouring Comp
Hi everyone, IDAHOBIT Day is coming up on the 17th of May, and we're launching a fun colouring competition to celebrate!
IDAHOBIT Day is a day to go rainbow to support the LGBTQIA+ community and fight discrimination.
All entries will be displayed in the library windows. There are three hampers up for grabs, as well as house points. You can pick up colouring sheets at Bits and Bobs, or at the library desk. All entries must be submitted to the library desk by 4pm on the 16th of May.
Everyone did such an amazing job for the Easter colouring comp, so we can't wait to see what you come up with!
For More info please see Jack or Megan in the Library.
To find all promotional posters and printed timetable please see the noticeboard in the Lunch-Box.
If you have any questions , queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the coordinators listed below via TEAMs and Email.
We hope to see everyone in Club , Event or Activity over the Term 2 period.
Jack Carter & Linda Robertson
2022 Lunchtime Events & Activities Coordinators