Middle School News

Central Australia Camp
Our trip to Alice Springs/Uluru was great!
We visited many remarkable places such as, Standley chasm, a women’s museum and jail, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (R.F.D.S), Kings Canyon and Uluru.
We also got to visit two indigenous communities, one at Standley Chasm and one at Kings Canyon.
We got to experience welcome to country, cooking and eating kangaroo tail as well as indigenous painting.
Aside from our fear of getting covid it was perfect, and the views were gorgeous. We were lucky to experience some nice warm sunny days, and a lot of red dirt.
A once in a lifetime opportunity and we would definitely recommend to future year levels.
When we were finally ready to go home, our flight (supposedly at 1pm) was delayed multiple times and then cancelled.
It wasn’t until 11:30pm did we take off from Uluru airport.
Though some sanity was lost in the 12 hours of waiting it was a great trip overall.
Ally & Danielle
Cyber Safety Live - Parent Event
Dear Parents/Carers,
On Monday the 23rd of May at 7:30pm, the Cyber Safety Project will be hosting a live webinar for the parents and guardians of Viewbank College.
For young people today, growing up digital is a whole new world.
Learning safe practices and strategies for maintaining a positive digital reputation starts in the home.
Building a positive and healthy family environment where digital use is encouraged, but managed effectively, can be a tough balance.
This session aims at providing parents and guardians with insights and important information about popular social networking and gaming platforms trends.
The presenters will discuss ways to ensure children remain safe with the use of privacy settings and steps to build positive digital habits using proactive tools.
To help you support your young people to be confident, independent, and safe digital users, they explore important conversations to help families ‘start the chat’.
They unpack the facts about the laws regarding digital consent and cyberbullying, as well as strategies and resources to seek help when things go wrong online.
Topics covered in this session:
- The Cyber Safety Project Methodology: Plan, Prevent & Protect- Sexting, Nude Image Sharing and the law
- Dealing with unwanted contact
- Cyberbullying and help seeking
- How to report cyber abuse
- Social networking trends for tweens and teens
- Gaming trends, addiction, and gambling
- Establishing positive relationships
- Maintaining a safe digital environment at home
You can find more information on their website - https://cybersafetyproject.com.au
The webinar will run on Zoom from 7:30-8:30pm.
To register your attendance, please follow this link https://bit.ly/VIEWBANK2022 and follow the prompts.
Year 7 Health and Wellbeing Day
The Year 7 Health and Wellbeing days were held on Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd May.
Wellbeing day was like a place for new friendship and a place to strengthen the ones that are already there. It included fun games to keep the crowd entertained and lots of important metaphors and information. The task I enjoyed most was definitely the most active, the peg game. The objective was to either give away all your pegs or take as many pegs as possible. That game also included an important lesson, giving represents your offering to others and taking resembles your taking from others. I loved wellbeing day, it beats doing school work, (But that's very easy.) and makes your week a whole lot better and perhaps the entire year fantastic if you make a new friend.
Rhodes 7E
The year 7 Wellbeing day for Terra and Hydra was a very enjoyable and exciting one. Jamie our presenter was extremely nice and made learning about friends and well-being fun, with games and giving us a “bfft”(best friend for today). I have learned so much from that day and will remember this day for many years to come.
Aiden 7I
Elevate Study Skills and Exam Preparation Session - Year 10
The Year 10 Study Skills and Exam Preparation session was held this morning.
This was a study skills and exam preparation workshop run by external presenters. Presenters were from Elevate Education.
Students participated in small group workshops and focused on exam revision and preparation techniques and memory and mnemonics.
The Memory and Menmonics workshop covered:
- How to overcome reliance upon rote learning
- The role of attention in memory and managing distractions
- Semantic learning techniques for higher level memorisation
- All students will receive a study skills booklet from Elevate Education
The workshops run by Elevate are high impact and help students to improve their study techniques, increase motivation, build confidence and lift exam performance.