From the Principal Class

Dear Viewbank College Community,
We have had a positive start to the term, with students returning refreshed and ready to engage with the academic and co-curricular program at the College.
I recognise the ongoing disruption caused by Covid and continue to rely on your support to ensure students test and remain in isolation if they get a positive result.
Our House Leaders are more than happy to communicate with you and support your student’s learning whilst away.
We were very fortunate to be able to run a significant camping program at the end of Term 1.
Our staff have been extraordinary in their support of the camps.
They have shown incredible commitment to ensuring students in Year 7, the Central Camp and the Music camp had the best experience under difficult circumstances.
It was also wonderful to see so many parents attend Parent/Student/Teacher conferences onsite during these first two weeks of term. Rebuilding those connections and having the community engaging with the College is a priority for this year after two very difficult Covid years. This is an important part of our culture at the College.
Some students are still building back after two disrupted years, both in terms of their social and academic learning and their learning routines.
We ask that parents continue to support teachers and students by taking an interest in their learning, encouraging their work habits, and providing them with a space to study where possible.
One of the wonderful traditions the College maintains is the ANZAC Day commemoration. The College ran two assemblies – a Senior and Middle Assembly.
Our student leaders did a wonderful job leading this assembly, with addresses by Troy Ferreira and Madison Adams. Madison spoke about her great, great Grandfather, who served during WW2 and returned home.
Special thanks to our local Member for Ivanhoe, the Honourable Anthony Carbines, for his continued support of the commemoration and the laying of a wreath in memory of those who served.
Facilities update
We are continuing our efforts to improve the facilities at the College.
Painting continues, and over the holidays the administration block was completed.
Further painting works will happen next holidays, with the Library block getting a ‘freshen up’.
I am also happy to announce that the College received $495,000 in the May State budget to refurbish some of the toilet blocks. This is long overdue and something we have been seeking for some time. We wait on the Schools Building Authority to provide a timeline for these events.
The 2022 NAPLAN online testing will commence next week and scheduled as follows:
- Tuesday 10 May - Reading
- Wednesday 11 May - Writing
- Thursday 12 May - Language
- Friday 13 - Numeracy
Tests will be held Period 2 for Year 7 students & Period 3 for Year 9 students, with catch-up tests held on Monday 16 & Tuesday 17 May.
Please see below NAPLAN - information for parents and carers for further information.
New Staff
The impacts of staffing shortages continue, and we are working to try and maintain as much continuity as we can. We have had a few staff take leave for the term and so we do have some new staff at Viewbank College.
We would like to welcome:
- Charis Ooi – Maths/Science
- Marian Gerguis - Maths
- Francis Chen – Humanities
- James Paraskeva – Maths/Science
- Rowan Anderson – Humanities
- Isaac Duan – Physics/Maths
- Chanel Keane - Welfare
- Emily Furlong - Music
- Paul Van Ross - Music
- Jeffrey Chau - Tutor (Maths)
House Beanies and Scarves
The new Viewbank College beanies and scarves (beanies modelled by our 2021 School Captains and scarves modelled by our Principal class) are now for sale at our Uniform suppliers!
Get ready for winter and keep warm with the Dress Code endorsed scarf.
Second Hand Uniform Sale - Sustainability Project
The student leadership team has continued to gain donations of second-hand uniform and stopped mountains of usable clothing from ending up in land fill!
This is a great opportunity to top up on items or to get extra layers to keep warm for winter - all at discount prices.
The leadership team will use money raised, by selling this uniform, to support Friends of Health and Wellbeing projects in 2022.
We will have an after school second hand uniform stall on:
Wednesday 11th May from 4pm - 6pm
in Room R12 and R13 (near the IT office)
at Viewbank College.
Bookings are essential.
When booking, please only book one ticket per family. To book click here.
Payment: Card Only (Cashless)
We have many items of shorts, shirts, blazers, dresses, jumpers and pants.
We have only very limited number of soft-shell jackets ,spray jackets and PE uniform.
Fran Crescent water maintenance works - Tuesday 3rd May - Friday 27th May, 2022
We have been advised by Yarra Valley Water that they will be doing maintenance works in Fran Crescent from Tuesday 3rd May for 3 weeks and have asked us to communicate to staff and families not to drive through or park there.
Please find alternate drop off and collection points during this time.
Any concerns, please contact Yarra Valley Water directly.
Sharon Grimes, Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Anna Crosswhite, Acting Assistant Principal