Principal's Report

Final week

It's hard to believe that we have just finished our first uninterrupted term for quite a long time. I've been impressed by the way that all our students have settled into a ‘school fit’ routine, ably supported by all the staff and families.


The holidays will give everyone an opportunity to take a breather and come back to school next term and slip straight into the routine that was established halfway through this term. A couple of significant milestones have to be mentioned in this newsletter - congratulations to our Year 7 cohort who have just completed their first term of secondary education. For our Year 12s, you're just about 1/3 through your course and it is important that you continue to build momentum throughout the remainder of the year.


I would also like to thank all of our community, families and carers, who supported the College and walked with us as we established positive routines and a positive landscape. I also appreciate your phone calls and feedback and we will strive to ensure that our college remains a place of safety, curiosity, respect, strong relationships and high-end delivery of our teaching and learning programmes.



To Kiara who just won the U/18 National Championships in the 1500m! Great effort. Kiara's family said "Kiara travelled to Sydney recently to compete in the National Athletics Championships at Sydney Olympic Park.  She competed in the Under 18 Women's 1500 metre event.  She ran a very good tactical race and came home strongly to win Gold.  This great result is a follow up from last year when she won Gold in the Under 17 800 metre race." This  achievement can only happen with dedication, commitment and the willingness to excel. Well done!

College Refurbishment

The Resource Centre is nearing completion and the shuffling chairs continue as it’s the turn of the Administration Block to be vacated, to make way for a much needed facelift. 


The Resource Centre will see quiet reading spaces, a fully resourced Careers’ Office, study spaces and an extra classroom. As always, I will always keep you updated.



School Council

Our first School Council convened late March, after a rocky start to the constitution, due to covid interference.


The first Annual General Meeting saw the welcome and greet and meet of the new members and the election of office bearers. 


Thus the 2022 School Council is comprised of the following members:


Parent Representatives

Nadia Beardshaw – School Council President

Steve Goschnick

Georga Johnston

Kath Barrot

Tamara Green

Julie Bowyer


Community Members

Vicki Walters – School Council Vice President


Student Leaders

Michael Dance

Ruby Pugh

Hendrix Boyle

Vanessa Dewar


DET Representatives

James Barut – College Principal

Janine McMahon – Assistant Principal – Treasurer

Jonathon Rogers – Assistant Principal

Bri Holder – Teaching Staff

Jayne Thompson – Business Manager


Thank you in advance to all the members of the School Council, who will assist the school in its strategic direction and provide energy, involvement, and support for our entire ESC community.


School Review

The College has just completed its first score review since 2016.


This process is important as it sets the direction and work that will become a focus for the next four years. The process was rigorous and transparent, where staff were consulted, students were interviewed, a parent forum was invited for feedback and many classes were visited to observe the learning that was happening.


All this information and data will now be collated and form the basis of a new School Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan that will become a public document and will be posted on the College website. Thank you to the following people who provided the direction and expertise during the entire process:


Stephen Daly - Reviewer

Scott Crawford -  Senior Education Improvement Leader

Emma Clarke - Principal of Emerald Primary and feedback partner

Nadia Beardshaw -  School Council President



Athletics Day

What a terrific day! What a positive activity that saw so many of our students involved in friendly competition, cheered on by their peers with great enthusiasm. Thank you so much to all the staff and students involved on the day, that showcased the relationships and good spirit that exists at our college.



Parent Teacher Conferences

The parent teacher conferences that were held last week, via Webex, were very successful not only in the importance of parents meeting the teachers but getting an understanding of student progress and establishing some actions and goal setting for extra improvement. The convenience of the Webex allowed parents to access the conference from wherever they were able to, and not miss any interviews due to long queues that can sometimes occur when staff, parents and students are on-site. We will continue with the current method of holding our parent teacher conferences and review as needed.


Covid update

The current protocols that surround operational guidelines for covid in schools will stay in place until at least the first four weeks of Term 2. The College has distributed all the RA Tests that have been delivered, and we are expecting a further delivery early next term. The advice is to keep on testing and monitor symptoms, especially as we move into the colder months. Further, the College will be allocated extra vaporizers to enhance air circulation.


Have a restful term break.


James Barut - Principal

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