Welcome Back 

Welcome back to Term Two! 


We hope you have had an enjoyable holiday break that has provided an opportunity to spend time with your family or to find a little time to rest. 

We hope you are as excited and eager as we are to start the new term with new learning experiences within your classroom.

Thoughts are now turning to the busy term ahead and what this might look like. 

We are looking forward to continuing our work, dedication and care in ensuring the development of your child is our highest priority.


This newsletter will be published termly as part of our reporting process, allowing parents and carers to have a term overview of what learning will be occurring. This will be released in conjunction with their mid- and end-of-year reports, as well as their learning goals which will also be reviewed termly. 


We look forward to continuing to work with you over the course of the year. If you have any concerns or queries, your child's classroom teacher is available via their email.