Prep Nicolas MartinezVelasco
Jack Goldsmith | Harmony Week Award - for the incredible effort you have put into this week to show extra kindness and to include all those around you! We loved your enthusiasm and excitement to tell us about Columbia and the great facts you shared about other countries. Harmony Week Award - for sharing all your wonderful knowledge and insights into different cultures and countries. We also loved that you talked about and shared your homemade pasta sauce …YUM! You are also always respectful towards all cultural and religious backgrounds. |
Junior K Sophia Kiriakidis | Harmony Award - for always showing kindness towards your classmates. You are caring and considerate of others and help to make our classroom a harmonious place to be. |
Junior S Mila Barker | Harmony Week Award For displaying kindness and inclusivity not only in the past week but for the entire term. From assisting other students with their work to offering to play with peers whose best friends are away, you are always looking for ways to extend a helping hand to students in our class. You treat staff and peers alike with the utmost respect and your warm and gentle nature is very much appreciated by all! Congratulations on being a fabulous friend and student! Well done Mila! |
Middle L/T Elise Jones | Harmony Week Award - You have shown that you are thinking about others in our world who are going through extremely hard times by taking the initiative to come up with an idea to help the people of Ukraine. It is wonderful that you are willing to make an effort to care for others far away. We are very proud of you! |
Middle A Samantha Keogh | Harmony Week Award Samantha, you are a role model to others when it comes to belonging and being inclusive. You are a helping hand and a bucket of knowledge that students inspire and look up to. You should be so proud of the way you conduct yourself with others and thank you for being so helpful and mature when they need it most! Well done Samantha!! |
Senior A Tommy Mayne | Harmony Week Award - for the welcoming, kind and inclusive way you treat everyone in our community. You treat everyone with kindness, no matter who they are, and are a wonderful example to our community. |
Senior L Phuong & Marisa | Harmony Week Award - for their amazing effort each and everyday to spread kindness and positivity to all in our school. You both have been amazing this week by assisting students in the yard, helping your fellow classmates as well as being an amazing and encouraging leader to your Prep Buddies. Well done, Marisa & Phuong! |
STEM Junior K
| Creative Award - for the amazing and creative way you discussed the weather during our different seasons: how it changes, how it affects the clothes we wear and the things we do, as well as asking great questions about the rain around Melbourne when we looked at the BOM’s weather and rain radar. |
P.E. Senior L | Collaborative Award - for the amazing way you worked together, supported each other, gave each other time and respected the rights of each other when we were introduced to and practiced the correct shot putting technique. |
MANDARIN Seniors | Harmony Week Award - As a whole cohort you have shown how you support and help each other to succeed. When recording your "About Me" speech in Mandarin, I often heard students offering to help others with using tech and practicing their pronunciation. It was also great to see when writing about friends, how happy everyone was to include nearly the whole class in their photo. You should all be very proud of how inclusive and caring you all are! Well done Seniors! |
Visual Art Seniors | Creative Award for your courageous attempts at Linear Drawing. Often, we get caught up with making our drawings ‘perfect’ however, this was not about being precise and making a “good’ drawing. You were able to loosen-up and embrace risk which is hard to do. I am really proud of you all. Thank you everyone! |
Performing Art Prep | Creative Award - for your acting skills that continue to grow from strength to strength! Your positive attitude towards learning new sounds, body movement and shape was delightful to be a part of during Performing Arts this week. Congratulations to our wonderful Preppies!!! |
Performing Art Patrick Cusack | Rising Star Award - Patrick for your wonderful acting skills! You were able to fly around like a baby bird and softly tweet to help the audience guess exactly what you were acting as… Congratulations Patrick! |
Respectful, Responsible & Resilient
PREP Xander Urwin | Curious Award - for asking thoughtful and curious questions to deepen your understanding about everything we learn. It has been especially evident in Maths these past two weeks, you have asked so many great questions about numbers! We also love that you confidently share your wonderful ideas with the class in discussions. Your curiosity is a real asset to our class Xander! |
JUNIOR K Arya Chaudry | Determined Award - for pushing yourself in Maths. You have been learning to read, write and model 5 and 6 digit numbers with such determination. You always have a go and don’t shy away from challenges. You know how to learn from your mistakes and you always strive to learn and understand more. |
JUNIOR S Leo Katsoulakis | Collaborative Award - for showing outstanding sportsmanship during the Athletics Carnival! From leading your team into victory during the events to encouraging and congratulating all of your peers, you were such a superstar on and off the field! Well done Leo! |
MIDDLE A Archer Weinzieher | Determined Award - Archer worked super hard this week on his writing goal and has achieved success in meeting his goal! Well done Archer on striving high and putting in your best effort. Keep up the fantastic writing skills! |
MIDDLE L/T Gabriel Caputo | Determined Award - Always striving to do your best work. You are thriving on the challenges of Maths, and always listening, contributing and having a go during reading. You watch the skills that are modelled in writing and try your best to improve your writing pieces. Well done on always being determined to be your best! |
SENIOR A Chloe Phan | Determined Award - for impressive mastery of the times tables challenge, and giving your very best to all tasks. You set yourself high goals and always push yourself to grow and improve. |
SENIOR L Elliot Becroft | Collaborative Award - for stepping up to the challenge of being a House Captain! You showed great collaboration with Oliver and demonstrated how to be an excellent leader. All the staff at St Joey’s are so impressed with your speech and how well you helped your team to victory! Well done Elliot, and I can’t wait to see you keep achieving your goals! |
STEM Junior K | Curious Learner Award - for asking amazing, curious and inquisitive questions and listening to each other’s questions and answers in a respectful and attentive manner. Well done everyone. |
P.E. Oliver & Elliot
| Determined Award - for your strong and determined leadership, not only during the Athletics Sports day but also during the days leading up to the event. And also for your generous and thoughtful speech when you accepted the winner’s plaque on behalf of your House. |
LOTE Middle L/T | Creativity Award for Middle LT. I was impressed this week with your creativity and execution of your mine-craft about me task. You all really thought hard about what to include in your inventory and drew detailed images with translations, about what you like and who is in your family. Keep up the great work Middle LT! |