Performing Arts News

“Music is the universal language ... it brings people closer together” - Author: Ella FitzgeraldIt is wonderful to see and hear all that happens in the Performing Arts area every day. Such a change from the quiet times we have experienced in the past few years.
Recently, students have enjoyed many opportunities to perform in our community. These performances include:
- Singfest
- Lunchtime Performances by the Stage Band & VCE Class
- Whole School Assemblies – including a welcome assembly and ANZAC commemoration.
We look forward to the up coming opportunities to showcase music, theatre and dance. Students are working hard rehearsing for the following events:
- Schools Aerobics Competition – 8th May
- Open Night – Bands, Dance, Aerobics, Theatre – 10th May
- Senior Dance & Theatre Night – 19th May
- Junior Performing Arts Afternoon – 25th May
Margaret Griffiths
Performing Arts Domain Leader
Patterson River hosted a successful Singfest at the end of Term 1. With over 200 students from regional schools and guest conductor Adam Prewlocki. A day of singing was enjoyed by all.
Adam is an energetic and engaging conductor, working through four pieces in preparation for an afternoon recording session.
We look forward to developing vocal skills in preparation for our next performance.
Lunchtime Performances
It seemed the whole school appeared in the courtyard for our first Lunchtime Concert – and a fun time was enjoyed by all.
Many thanks to the Stage Band and V.C.E Band for their entertaining and fun filled lunchtime.
For the full concert experience click on the button below!
School Aerobics Competition
Patterson River will be hosting the School Aerobics Competition this Saturday and Sunday. We are really pleased to host this event that will bring together teams from the wider metropolitan area.
We wish our team all the best in their performance. They have worked so positively as a team – practising weekends and most lunchtimes.
Drama Club
The Drama club meets every Tuesday lunchtime. After auditions for ‘Alice in Wonderland’, we are very pleased to announce the following cast. Congratulations to all students.
We look forward to meeting the eccentric characters and unpredictable plot in this timeless story.