Senior School News

Work Experience 4 - 8 April 2022
Over 80% of Year 10s participated in the program, which took place in the last week of Term 1. The timing worked well, as some students were able to take the opportunity to travel further afield, as Work Experience Week was adjacent to the School Holidays. Students chose to venture to Country Victoria, New South Wales and some as far as Queensland.
Luke Miccoli experienced the construction of the mega Sydney Airport expansion project.
Students participated in a variety of placements and had the opportunity to immerse themselves in industries such as health, education, sport, building trades, animal care and administration.
Feedback from students and employers was fantastic, and some students have found ongoing part-time work or school-based apprenticeships as a result.
The program is an important aspect of the Senior School Course Counselling process, as it is one tool to assist students in making decisions about potential pathways and subject selections for VCE/VCAL.
The College would like to recognise the wonderful administration of our college Pathways Coordinator, Mrs Karen Talbot, in facilitating the 2022 Work Experience Week and making it such a beneficial learning experience for our Year 10 students. The College would also like to express its appreciation to the many businesses and organisations in our local community that generously provided the work placement opportunities for our Year 10 students.
Peer Support
On Tuesday, 29 March 68 selected Year 10 students participated in a full day Peer Support induction and training workshop at the Mordialloc Motor Yacht Club. The students undertook a range of interactive workshops designed to provide them with the skills and knowledge to become effective Peer Support Leaders. The Peer Support Program has successfully operated at our college for over 20 years and aims to provide mentoring to our Year 7 students and support them in their transition from their separate primary school settings to students coming together at a large secondary College as well as providing an opportunity for our Year 10 students to develop their leadership potential.
“We really enjoyed the day because it was engaging and it was a good opportunity to get to know other Year 10 students better in a place outside school. We learnt a variety of skills and games to play with our Year 7 students. We especially enjoyed playing “Boffer” which involved hitting other students, including the teachers present, with giant pool noodles."
Shailey Reeves and Tahlia Chalmers.
Senior School Formal
On Friday March 18, the much awaited Senior School Formal was held at Mornington Race Course. A beautiful mild evening for what was to be a fantastic night for Year 11 and 12 students and after 2 years of cancelled events this was one to remember!!!
Students arrived in limousines, enjoyed a wonderful meal that was followed by awards and dancing. Thank you to all students and staff who attended.
Careers Expo
A year level excursion was arranged for all Year 10 students to attend the 2022 VCE and Careers Expo at the Caufield Racecourse last Friday, 29 April. The students were able to access over 160 exhibitors including tertiary institutions, employer associations like the Masters Builders Association Victoria and the Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce, private employers and government organisations like ADF Recruitment. Our students were able to ask questions and collect information that will help inform their decision making as they begin to select their future pathways leading into the course counselling program that will commence later in Term 2.
“ I appreciated the opportunity to investigate different pathways and collected a lot of information and got to speak to a lot of people. I found the excursion really helpful.”
Emily Harnwell.