Year 7 News

As we embark on our second term of Year 7, as a coordination team, we reflect and applaud the courage that our Year 7 students have demonstrated so far in 2022. It is hard to believe that this group of students have not done a full term of schooling since they were in Grade 4! No wonder they were tired, but blissfully happy with their new everyday routines. Students are no longer lost getting from Science to English and have mastered the art of Compass! So many new things have been learnt – the 6 different teachers' names (and that is only in one day!), lining up at the canteen, changing uniforms for PE, MS Teams, lockers, laptops and which bus to catch! What a journey it has been so far.
One of the main things we have been so incredibly impressed with is the way in which all Year 7 students have adopted and embraced our school values of Persistence, Excellence, Community and Respect. Being confident in the knowledge that our students are invested in our values allows us to build strong and lasting relationships with our students. Let’s take a look at how Year 7 students are demonstrating our values:
Our core business here at school is learning! What a fantastic effort our students have made towards achieving our value of excellence. In Term 1, 119 positive recognition posts for excellence were made. Wow! What an effort. Teachers report that students arrive on time and take pride in their work, always giving their personal best. They are setting and achieving high expectations for themselves and it was fantastic to see parents and students meeting with teachers at our end of term parent teacher interviews to discuss student progress.
We would also like to acknowledge the 46 Year 7 students who have started the Victorian High Ability Program, as invited by the Department of Education. We wish them well as they complete this program.
This one is easy! Our Year 7 students have shown persistence at every turn of the corner! Not only must they persist with their learning, even though sometimes it can be quite different to Primary School, they also show persistence with learning the way of life in secondary school. For every student it is different – catching the bus to and from school, remembering a locker code or just simply trying to remember all the new names in their class!
We are certainly very lucky that our Primary Schools in the area do a fantastic job of instilling a strong sense of respect in all our students. To see them demonstrate this on a regular basis makes us incredibly proud. This includes making valuable contributions to class, being mindful of the impact on others and valuing the collaborative process.
A strong sense of community is certainly a valued trait of students in our College. Year 7 students have embraced this and it has been fantastic to see them participating in so many events outside of the classroom. Students have participated in sporting events, involved in student run assemblies and even went back to visit their primary schools. This was met with much enthusiasm and pride from our students and it was lovely to see them greet their grade 6 teachers.
Finally, a big congratulations to our chosen Student Voice Class Representatives. All students were given an opportunity to self-nominate for this position which saw them elected by their classmates. They will work closely with the student leadership group to be a vocal advocate for their classes.
Student Voice Class Representatives
7A Ruby Thomas
7B Tarant Gaffey-Lister
7C Rhett Milsome
7D Archie Craig
7E Charlie Jackson
7F Trisha Sable
7G Alex Jones
7H Jacob Taguemount
7I Xavier Ese
Year 7 Food Studies
During Year 7 Food Studies, students have been learning about eating a range of nutritious foods from the five food groups and the Healthy Eating Pyramid. They have done an assessment task where they got to design their own stuffed potato using foods from each of the food groups. Some of the stuffed potatoes included ingredients such as chicken, chickpeas or ham, a selection of vegetables including peas, corn, capsicum, red onion and broccoli, served with sour cream or Greek yoghurt. The class thoroughly enjoyed cooking and more importantly, eating the stuffed potato that they designed.