La Trobe Uni at LNSC

Sue Brownbill and visiting La Trobe University program staff

Today (Mon 3/4/2023) Year 9 students had a Careers session on creating their own Career Pitch. They were encouraged to think about who they are and what they want to become. Key to this was exploring the following things about themselves: 

  1. What do I enjoy?
  2. What am I good at?
  3. What are my personal values?

Students then had an opportunity to research careers on the Labour Market Insights website Here students discovered the training necessary to enter some jobs and more interestingly for some much money some jobs offer!


This was all a perfect introduction to resume writing. Year 9 students are of the age to seek part time and casual work when they turn 15. A resume is a key tool students will need to secure a job interview.


Thank you to Willow and Kiesha from Latrobe Educational Partnerships who presented the session today.


Well done everyone.


Sue Brownbill

Careers and Workplace Learning Coordinator.

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