Compassion at Kildare College, Adelaide

This year ‘Compassion - Walking with and having empathy for all’ will be our central core value at Kildare College. When unpacking our core value, in understanding compassion, we particularly used the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ where we considered ‘who is our neighbour’. From the story, we realise that our neighbour is anyone who is in need. 

One of the initiatives from our Social Worker is the creation of a safe community space, so that no student sits alone at lunch. Students can feel connected with others and form positive and supportive relationships. This is encouraged by student mentors who offer guidance, support and assist students in connecting with others. This is an expression of ‘walking with and having empathy for all’ in our community.

Our students have shown compassion in a variety of ways. Through student led initiatives, a Ukraine support board was placed around the College and students had the opportunity to offer messages of hope, support and care to Ukraine. Another student initiative has also been a weekly support group in the Chapel where support and prayers were offered for all victims of war. We remember especially the Ukraine family we have in our community and the Afghan families whose families and friends are also suffering at the hands of the Taliban. 

We have introduced Wellbeing Wednesday into our Pastoral Care program. The activities revolve around affirmations and gratitude and in doing so students develop understanding of others which contributes to greater compassion and empathy. In Pastoral Care and our Girl’s Achieve Program, students have also gained wider understanding of different people. The focus has been forming connections which ultimately contribute to compassion and empathy. The students also learn about things that affect our greater community such as Closing the Gap and Racism. Our celebration of Harmony Day with a College recipe book aimed to connect our families and break down barriers. 


This year we have introduced a Living Justice Living Peace Committee. This committee is made up of teaching staff and parent volunteers of the College. Our aim of this group will be how we best decipher and enact the Living Justice Living Peace charter within our College. There will be a focus of Living Justice Living Peace at our Staff Retreat later in the year. Ultimately, we are working towards being soaked in Living Justice through the work we are doing with this charter.