Formation at Kildare Ministries

New Leaders & New Staff Inductions
In February and March we launched the induction programs for 2022. Both of these were extremely well attended, and we even managed to bring all the Kildare Ministries New Staff together in person! The feedback from both sessions was very positive.
New Leaders focussed closely on the Kildare Ministries Vision, Mission and Values using John 10 as our inspiration and point of reference. We also expanded the Living Justice Living Peace and its elements in our daily, living, leading and learning and to complement this, the Trustees of Kildare Ministries strategic direction until 2024 was explained and elucidated for the new leaders. We introduced our new Executive Director of Kildare Education Ministries, Peter Houlahan and then Tina Neate, Principal of Kildare College shared her ‘Leadership Journey’ with those gathered online. Her time and presentation was greatly appreciated and so very well received – her exciting and interesting path was inspirational.
New Staff gathered and embraced the day with enthusiasm. It was fabulous to be together and everyone shared generously with each other. We focussed on our Kildare Ministries Values and how these are understood in the revelation of our own lives and experiences and extended to include and embrace our mission as Kildare Ministries.
Justice and Sustainability Leaders
On the 17th of February the Justice and Sustainability Leaders met online for the first time in 2022 and welcomed several new members to the network; Lisa Singline and Michael McCallum from Clonard College, Sarah Avitabile from Kilbreda, Wendy Smith from Marian College (Sunshine West), Regina Hooper from Star of the Sea College, Skye Wachter from Brigidine College (St. Ives) and Linda Dolling from Kildare College. The dedication and energy of this group kicked in immediately with the planning of our first Student Justice Seminar and there were plenty of fresh ideas and insights shared to make the event as successful as we could, albeit online. Also, in our time together, we took the opportunity to pray and reflect on Reconciliation. We all noted and discussed the strength of this next generation of students’ understanding and commitment to justice and peace in this space.
Faith Leaders
Our network of Faith Leaders also focused on Reconciliation and First Nation’s justice. There was a general acknowledgement of how much more there is to learn for us as Faith Leaders in encountering accompanying First Nation’s people on our combined journey to justice and peace, and it was clear in the passion of the conversation that all of us were committed to continuing this development in our schools.
We also approached the issue of Gender Inclusion and Equity in our schools. The possibility and richness of embracing diverse voices in our school communities was discussed, as was letting go of religion as ‘social control’ and instead embracing difference from with the richness of our faith and tradition.
From this space of discernment, we launched group work resulting in robust and passionate discussion around ‘A Just Curriculum; A Justice Curriculum’ and the work done in this session will inform the agenda of our next meeting which includes both Faith Leaders and Learning Leaders from our schools. We have a strong base for renewing our commitment to, and planning for, justice in the curriculum.
Finally, Fr. Michael Trainor joined us to elucidate ‘Compassion’ as our theme for 2022.
It was a huge day, and we were all so grateful to be together. Most of us were able to get there in person to share lunch, and we can’t wait for the day when all of us are free of restrictions and can make it to Melbourne.
Student Social Justice Seminar
We launched the Student Social Justice program online this year, and acclaim goes to the Staff Justice Leaders for putting so much effort into planning the day online. Students always enjoy meeting other students from other schools and seeing their interest and passions for justice reflected in others. The students input and work on this day will form a strong foundation for our meeting together in August.