Important Information

Key dates to remember
Thu 6th Apr Last day of Term 1
Mon 24th Apr Prof. Practice Day
Tue 25th April ANZAC Public Holiday
Wed 26th Apr Learning Conferences
Thu 27th Apr Term 2 begins for students
Wed 3rd May Next Newsletter
Division Swimming Results
Well done to all students who competed in Division swimming on 9th March.
Medical Management Plans
As a reminder to our students and families, it is extremely important if you have a condition that requires a management plan: e.g. Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Epilepsy and Allergies, Notifications MUST be given to the school to ensure we can provide the correct care and support for students. If you have any questions please contact our First Aid officer or view our policy, procedures and plans on our website.
Casey Council Community Engagement Survey
How do you currently engage with Council?
We know that belonging to a community is important and being able to share your thoughts and provide input into local decision-making processes should be a relatively simple process.
Over the last few years, we have heard that as a community, Casey residents would like us to share more information about issues that affect them and be provided with greater opportunities to provide input into Council decision-making processes.
The City of Casey would now like to hear from you on how we can improve the way we reach out to you and seek your opinion on a range of important issues and decisions.
We have developed a short survey below to help understand what is important to you and how we can best share information with you in the future. We hope you will take a few minutes of your time to share your views with us.
By completing the survey you will go in the draw to win one of two $250 EFTPOS vouchers.
The survey will be open from Friday, 10 February to Monday 27, March 2023.
City of Casey Community Engagement Survey | Casey Conversations