Curriculum News

Senior School Revision Classes
Monash Virtual School wishes to extend an invitation to students to participate in free online VCE revision classes.
These classes support STEM subjects which are designed to complement students own studies throughout the year. Monash believes that these classes will help students deepen their understanding of key concepts.
During the years they have been running these revision classes, students have shown a statistically significant improvement in their confidence after participating in the sessions.
Revision classes for both Year 11 and 12 (Units 1-4) in the following subject are available to choose from:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Psychology
- Mathematics (General, Methods, Specialist)
Applied Computing (Software Development)
To register simply visit the Monash website and fill in the registration form selecting your subject revision classes relevant to your studies.
Author Steven Herrick visited Lyndhurst on Friday 10th March and spoke with the Year 10 cohort who are studying his novel in verse "The Simple Gift" for English.
His visit was greatly appreciated by the students who lined up at the end to get their books signed. Olivia Argaet and Michelle Prak quickly put together a poem to thank him for his visit, Steven was very pleased with their response and said it was the best 'thank you' he has ever had! Read their poem's below.
Michelle –
We want to thank you for ‘The Simple Gift’ and the books you have written that made us think deeply and view different perspectives and thoughts ‘The Simple Gift’
Your book Mr Steven Herrick has made an impact on us so thank you,
we end with this verse for you
Olivia –
As we say thank you, we draw inspiration from your work: Today, We gather in E1.
Lyndhurst Secondary College bright orange walls, and beams criss crossing the roof.
It’s the morning and the students sit inside.
Excitement in the air the students
fidgeting in their chairs.
And the teachers listen eagerly.
As you started to talk, one of the students whispered, “He dreamed of playing football.”
Then you said, “I wanted you looking into his (Billy’s) soul… It matters how you convey something… The simplest idea is what I’ve heard……poetry should always show us the other side of the story.”
Your poems sail through the goals.
Spreading inspiration.
It was an honour to have you.
Thank you
Year 7 Excursion to see Harry Potter and the cursed child
The students were thrilled to be able to experience this magical and captivating story brought to life on stage.
The day started early, with the students meeting teachers at the train station to catch the train into the city. Many students were excited to have some free time to visit gardens in city.
The students also discussed their favourite characters and scenes from the Harry Potter books and movies before they entered . The production itself was truly impressive, with incredible special effects, stunning costumes, and outstanding performances from the talented cast.
The students were engaged and engrossed in the show from beginning to end, and we heard many positive comments from them as we left the theatre.
The excursion was an excellent opportunity for our Year 7 students to experience live theatre and to explore the world of Harry Potter in a new and exciting way. We hope that this experience will inspire them to continue exploring the arts and to seek out more opportunities to engage with live theatre in the future.
The Performing Arts department at Lyndhurst Secondary College are now offering students the opportunity to take individual and small group music lessons. Through the studying of instrumental music and playing in ensembles, students learn countless lifelong skills to help them develop into intelligent, creative leaders. There are countless studies outlining the benefits of students learning a musical instrument- Improved academic results, stress relief, cognitive, emotional, and motor capabilities, building discipline, and even improved memory.
Instruments in 2023 offered will be:-
- Flute
- Clarinet
- Saxophone
- Piano
- Guitar
- Bass Guitar
- Drums
If you would like your child to participate in our Instrumental Program, please:
● Complete and return the Enrolment Form (forms available at the Music Room or front office)
● Once the form is handed in, you will receive an invoice for $50.
If you have any further enquiries please contact Alyce Yeoman✉ ☏ 5996 0144
Pasifika Choir
On Friday 10th March, Students from Lyndhurst Secondary Performed at the Moomba Festival on the main stage, at the Alexandria Gardens as part of the Pasifika Choir.
The Pasifika Choir consists of students from four different schools, Lyndhurst Secondary College Hampton Park Secondary College, Cranbourne West Secondary College and Monterey Secondary College.
Six of our Students, Susie, Andrew, Susanna, Harmony, Alisha and Nataylah accompanied by a live band performed putting on an amazing show, showcasing their talents to hundreds of people.
Band's first gig
On Wednesday March 8th the Band performed their first gig at the Year 10 Assembly in front of their peers. They weren't nervous at all and after many hours rehearsing and hard work learning the tunes, they were very keen to get out there and perform on the stage. Congratulations on the first of many performances, you sounded aaa-mazing!!
If you play an instrument and are interested in joining a Band, Please come to the Music Room at lunch for a Jam!