Annual Photo Consent

During the school year, there are many occasions and events where staff may photograph, film or record students participating in school activities and events. We do this for many reasons including to celebrate student participation and achievement, showcase particular learning programs, document a student’s learning journey and participation in camps/excursions/sports events etc and to communicate with our parents and school community in newsletters.
Next week you will receive a notice that allows you to choose the types of photographs, film or recordings you do not wish to be published by the school. You will be presented with three options:
- No consent for photos, film or recordings to be used internal to the school. This includes school magazine, google sites and classroom, classroom displays, school handbooks.
- No consent for photos, film or recordings to be used external to the school. This includes the newsletter, website, social media and live streaming of awards or graduation.
- No consent for both internal or external use.
Please discuss these options with your child. If you opt out of photos completely, it will mean they do not appear in the yearbook, on the graduation or awards slides at the end of the year or in team photos.
This notice will apply to photographs, video or recordings of students that are collected, used and disclosed by the school. In situations where photographing or filming is sought by external agencies eg. media outlets a specific consent form will be sent home for parents to sign.
Please note: if you are happy for your child’s photographs or recordings to be used by the school both internally and externally you do not need to return the form.
We ask that any parents/carers or other members of our school community photographing, filming or recording students at school events do so in a respectful and safe manner and that any photos, video, recordings of students are not publicly posted (eg to a social media account) without the permission of the relevant parent/carer.