Parents & Friends 

Come and find out about the Parents and Friends Association (P&F) 

Ormond Primary School has a strong Parents and Friends Association, which helps run events at the school that foster a sense of belonging and community, while also raising much needed funds for the school. If you are interested in finding out more about the Parents and Friends Association and ways to become involved, please come along to our next monthly meeting, which will be held on Tuesday 7th March at 7:30pm in the staff room (just enter the school via the Office and head to the right through the library area).  Everyone is welcome! Please email Heather Hosken  if you would like further details.


Welcome Picnic - what a great turn out!

The annual P&F 'Rainbow Welcome Picnic' was held on Friday 17th February and was a great success, with over 460 people attending. In the end, we were extremely lucky with the weather avoiding both the rain and the heat wave! It was fabulous to see so many families enjoying the night. We raised over $1400 through ticket sales, and this money will be used to help fund future P&F events. We would like to thank all the teaching staff who gave up their time to attend on the night. A special thank you to Mr Workman and the Year 6 students for doing such an amazing job running the outdoor games and the tug of war. A shout out to the local food trucks who supported our event: Woodstack Pizza and The Ormond Ice-Creamery. Please support these businesses. A final thank-you to Jacqui Warfe and Heather Hosken from P&F for running this event.


Upcoming events – the Easter Raffle

Get ready for the 2023 Easter Raffle, one of P&F’s major fund raisers of the year!!! More details coming soon- but mark Monday 20th March in your diary. Tickets will be sold online and go on sale for two weeks only! As part of this event, we will be holding a Casual Clothes Day for students on Friday 24th March, when students are asked to bring in an item to class to donate such as an Easter egg or Easter related craft/toy. We will then use the donated items to create wonderful Easter themed hampers which we raffle off to raise money towards upgrading parts of the outdoor play equipment. Please remember: no donations of products containing nuts.

Icy Pole Days

In term one, P and F will be running two icy pole days where we sell icy poles to the students after lunch. The next icy pole day is scheduled for Friday 24th March. The icy poles are $1 each. Please ensure that your child brings in exact money as we are unable to provide change. 


Can you help?

We are always looking for new fundraising ideas and would love your input! You might have some great examples of fundraising or events at other schools that you would like to share with us. Perhaps you have specialist skills and you are willing to donate your time – we are always looking for people with fundraising or events experience, people who have graphic design skills and social media specialists.


 You can contact us at anytime on