Year Levels & Specialist News

PE/Sports News

Swim Team 2023

The District Swim Carnival will be held on Monday, March 6th at GESAC. If your child is on the team, please ensure all compass payments/consents are completed by Friday 3rd March. Good Luck to all swimmers!


House Cross Country

Our annual House Cross Country Carnival will be held at Karkarook Park on Wednesday 29th March. The competition is for Years 4-6. The top 8 boys and girls in each age group will go on to represent the school in the Moorabbin District Carnival also held at Karkarook Park in Term 2. 


Parental help is required for this event. Please email Mr Pannam if you are able to assist. All volunteers must have a valid Working With Childrens Card and complete the school's Child Safe Code of Conduct with the front office. 


Division Tennis Trials 

Well done to Tate Nguyen on his efforts at the Division Tennis Trials at Kings Park Tuesday afternoon. Unfortunately he won’t be progressing. His matches were very high standard and great to watch. Well done Tate.

Year 1 News

We have had a great start to Year 1 and everyone has settled in well. The students are enjoying our Science Unit - Spot the Difference about natural and processed materials. This week we listened to a poem about spaghetti and then used cooked spaghetti to make pictures. Using our senses, we discussed the properties of cooked spaghetti and investigated words to describe it. 

Year 5 News

On Tuesday 21st February Year 5 students went to Port Melbourne for a Life Saving Surf Carnival. In the morning students rotated around beach activities and learnt about water safety, including DRSABC. In the afternoon they had the opportunity to go into the surf and learn how to ride waves using boggie boards and surf boards and how to wear a life jacket. 


I loved the flag races competition. - Marton
I enjoyed surfing as we got to catch extreme waves! - Daniel C
Going on the nipper boards and playing cricket on the sand was brilliant! - Sophie
I loved the nipper surfing because I loved gliding through the water. - Helena
The carnival races at the end of the day were so much fun. - Jordan
The strap to the boogie board that went around our wrists made it easy and fun to retrieve the board. - Krish
I caught every wave when we went surfing!  Eden
I enjoyed surfing for the first time because I liked how the waves dragged me back, even though I got salty water in my mouth. - Amillia
The boogie boards were fun to play on. - Livia
I loved versing the instructors in baseball/ cricket. - April
It was a new concept learning DRSABC to save someone’s life. - Abi
I had an amazing time with my friends riding the waves because we caught lots of terrifying waves. - Olivia


Year 6 News

Kanga Cricket Commentary Box

Last week we set off to Dane Oval to play Moorabbin Primary, and with our winning streak we had a lot to play for. In the end it was still hard with playing conditions because of the heat.

Ormond tried their hardest and ended up with 166 runs with 4 wickets. And Moorabbin with 123 with 1 wicket. The ends scores were Moorabbin with a score of 128,and Ormond with a high score of 186. We all had fun playing and congratulated the other team.


The star players were Teo for getting an amazing wicket from halfway out on the field, Indigo for her amazing bowling, and Archie H for his great fielding that stopped balls from giving the other team more points.


A big shout out to Shelly Gwynne for coming to our games and being supportive and helpful with our play.  GO ORMOND!

By Alice

Lawn Bowls Broadcast

When we arrived at Moorabbin Bowling Club, we were pleasantly surprised by the sunny weather and cool breeze. As we walked onto the lawn, we learned we were facing Hughesdale primary school. The match began and we scored a quick point starting with the lead. The next two games Hughesdale won and took the lead. The next game was a tie with 4 feet measured from our smallest member. We lost our game. However, overall it was a tie - 2 and 2 in all matches not just us. Star players are MK for good bowls and Kingsley for his excellent strategies. Go Ormond!

By: Michelle Y & Jules 


Hot Shots Serve Up   

We competed against Hughesdale Primary School at Kings Park

The score was so close it was 13-11 in their favour. We will continue practicing to make it to the top of the ladder. Hughesdale was the first team to beat us, so good job to them. Our star player was Mitch with a score of 15-9 in his favour in his singles match and 16-9 in his doubles. GO ORMOND!!

By: Matthias & Claire