Catholic Identity


If there is one word that we should never tire of repeating, it is this: dialogue. We are called to promote a culture of dialogue by every possible means and thus to rebuild the fabric of society.’
               Pope Francis- Address upon receiving the Charlemagne Prize, May 6, 2016

Holy Week Liturgies 

It was so nice to be able to gather as a school community for all our Holy Week Liturgies this past week. The liturgies were full of ritual, tradition and story which we all shared together and made meaning for our own lives. 


On Monday our Preps led us in the story of Palm Sunday. We sang Hosanna to our King!

On Tuesday our 1/2's led us through the story of the Last Supper. Where we remembered Jesus saying 'Do this in memory of me'.

On Thursday our Upper students led us through the Stations of the Cross, where we were reminded of how much Jesus loves us and we waited with hope and anticipation of the Resurrection. 

Our Lower Years Students will lead us in the story of the Resurrection on the first Monday of Term 2 at 9.15 in our hall.

Easter ~ 

As we move into the Easter Season: 

Become aware of the gift of life

God gives our world this Easter,

Become aware of the difference you make in our world today and the joy you bring to others,

Become aware of your needs and how you feel about life today.

God is with us.

Sacramental Candidates Journey

We continue to pray for our Sacramental Candidates as they continue preparations towards receiving the sacraments of First Eucharist & Confirmation. We will come together as a Parish Community on Sunday, April 30th at either the 9.30 am or 5.30 pm for our Journeying Mass.  

Project Compassion


Danae Napier


Deputy Principal / Religious Education Leader.


St Mels Church Bulletin