Principal Announcements

St Mel's is a proud Catholic Education Community, striving, learning and achieving together through Christ our light.

Newsletter Address ~ Term 1, Week  11

Principal's Message 


Dear Parents and Friends of St Mel’s,


The end of this term led into the Easter season, an important time in the Christian calendar. In the last week of term, our students participated in liturgies as a school community to reflect on the story of Holy Week.  As a parish community, we also reflected on the events of Holy Week in our church. The ritual of the washing of the feet and Stations of the Cross leading us into our Easter Sunday Masses where we were able to sing Alleluia again. 


Easter Blessing:

May the gladness of Easter, which is Hope, be yours.

May the promise of Easter, which is Peace,  be yours.

May the Spirit of Easter, which is Love, be yours. Amen.


Our last week of term brought much sadness for our St Mel’s community.  Our thoughts and prayers have been with the Ferguson and Winmar families, especially Kaileah in Grade One.  Kiara’s funeral will be held this Friday 14th April at 10.30 am at Merrit Funeral Services. Merrit's is situated at 10-16 Macisaac Rd, Mooroopna. The burial will be at Mooroopna Cemetery followed by a wake at Merrit's. May Kiara rest in eternal peace. We continue to support and pray for Kaileah and her family at this sad and difficult time, and we pray that our faith be strengthened and that our confidence in the loving care of our God be renewed this Easter season. 


As mentioned in our communication that went home last week, children might need reassurance or have questions about the nature of death. Attached to this week’s newsletter are some information sheets that might assist you in talking to your children. Should you, or your child, feel the need for additional support, please contact the school.


On reflection, our students and staff have had a great term of learning. To see our students learning and interacting the way they do is testament to their keenness and desire to achieve their goals.  Our approach to teaching and learning is inclusive of all needs and our students are very lucky to have the opportunities they have. 


At the core of what we do is the child.  The capable child. The competent child. The child ready to explore the world and to make meaning of what they experience and see.   Our students learn through explicit instruction and through playful interactions with one another and as I have mentioned before, our ‘preppies’ have settled well into the routine of school life and are becoming more independent.  Like many of you, I am amazed how quickly kids pick up the skill of reading words, correcting mistakes, and telling you how to do things because that’s what their teacher has told them! 


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful staff at St Mel’s for their hard work, dedication, and commitment in making learning fun, exciting and meaningful for our students.  All staff are exceptional in their work, and we are fortunate to have such a wonderful group of professionals as role models for our kids.  Don’t forget to thank your child’s teacher/s if you get a chance.   


Please enjoy your holiday break and if you can please join our parish for Holy Week services and Easter liturgies. 


May the Blessings of the Easter Season be with you all.


Have a wonderful Easter everyone and enjoy a safe and relaxing holiday. 


Important Upcoming Events ~ Term 2 Week 1

School Resumes Term 2: Monday 24th April 

(please note this is an amendment to what is on the school calendar)

*Ressurection Liturgy ~ 9.15 am Monday 24th April


Anzac Day ~ Tuesday 25th April is a Public Holiday ~ No School. 


*Anzac Day Liturgy ~ Wednesday 26th April


* Jen's Farwell & Thanks giving Mass ~ Thursday 27th 10.30 am 


*Colour Fun Run ~ Friday 28th April 


Do your best. Respect our school. Help others succeed.


Best Wishes for the holidays, 











URGENT REMINDER!!!  Medical Update ~ Asthma Plans & Anaphylaxis Plans

If your child suffers from Asthma or Anaphylaxis, please remember to send in an updated Asthma Plan or Anaphylaxis Plan.  These MUST BE arranged through your family GP.   Without an updated plan your children will not be able to participate in school functions


Volunteering at St Mel’s 

A school volunteer is anyone who helps at school supervise, assist student learning or attends camps / excursions.  As part of our commitment to keeping all students safe, all volunteers MUST have a current Working with Children’s Check (WWC), have signed a parent code of conduct and volunteer’s application form.  These documents can be downloaded from our school website or collected from the school office ~ as attached to this week’s newsletter.


If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at St Mel’s please take the time to read our Volunteer’s Policy and complete the required documentation. 


To apply for an online WWC please visit:


Before School Drop Off ~ Students are not to be dropped off no earlier than 8:20am in the morning.  Supervision starts at 8:20am.