
At Essex Heights we are very proud of our comprehensive music program which includes exciting concerts and many special events. Come and join the ‘Friends of Music’ volunteers to support the music department with performances, excursions, administration and more. Any amount of support helps. We’d love you to come and join us to make some musical moments for our students.

To express your interest in volunteering, please complete this Google Form


During their classroom music lesson in week eight, students participated in music activities to celebrate Harmony Day. They discussed their cultural heritage and celebrations with each other and listened to some music from around the world. Students learned to sing the song ‘Come Together’ which was written by Amplify Music Education for Harmony Day celebrations. Students at Essex Heights sang the song together as a whole school at Assembly in Week 9, on 27 March, led by some of the Year 5 and 6 students. You may like to play the song for your child to sing along with and make up their own actions - click here. You may wish to discuss and share some songs or instruments from your cultural heritage with your child.