Principal's message

St Patrick’s Day  

17th March 





On Friday  we remember Saint Patrick who came to Ireland a long time ago to bring people to God.

Saint Patrick taught us that there are three persons in One God: God the Father, God the Son

and God the Holy Spirit. He taught us this using the symbol of a shamrock. 


Saint Patrick of Ireland,


we thank you for bringing the

Gospel to the people of Ireland.

We thank you for your witness.

May we never cease,

to proclaim Jesus by

our way of living.





Safe on Social Parent Webinar Tuesday 14th March  TONIGHT!!!!


Tonight you are invited to  attend the ‘Safe on Social’ parent session with world leader,  Kirra Pendergast.


Kirra is popping into St. Bernard’s, after working with schools in Queensland and NSW, before heading to Hong Kong,  London and Italy. 


We are very fortunate that she still finds time in her international schedule for us. 


Kirra will speak with our grades three to six children during the day, and our teachers after school.  


Tonight  you have the opportunity to listen to Kirra and hear the message that your children and the teachers have heard.  


This puts us all on the same page in helping our children to be safe when using their devices.  




Naplan will be conducted over the next two weeks,  the families of children in grade three and five will have already received the schedule, here it is again. 


Week 7

Wednesday 15th March - 9:30am - WRITING

Thursday 16th March - 9:30am - READING 


Week 8

Monday 20th March - 9:30am - CONVENTIONS OF LANGUAGE

Tuesday 21st March - 9:30 am - NUMERACY



School Photos


March 24th is our school photo day.


Please note that full summer uniform is to be worn.


All students need to be wearing black shoes - not colourful sports shoes


Plain white socks also need to be worn. 


Thank you.



Crazy Hair Day 


Crazy Hair day was enjoyed by all.


Our Social Justice leaders collected the gold coin donations for Caritas and raised the profile and awareness of the works of Caritas. 


Thank you for supporting  this very important cause. 








Next Monday 20th March during our Assembly (9.00 am) our Fire Carrier student leaders will be commissioned in a Special ceremony, you are welcome to attend. 



Phones at School 


Just a reminder that phones are not to be at school. 


If any staff member sees a child with a phone at school, the phone will be placed in the office area until the end of the day when the child is able to collect it.


If parents need to communicate with their child during the school day, this can be done via the teacher or through the office. 





For more details please refer to the Sports section of our newsletter.


Bike Education Week


Bike Education Week is next week with the bike van being here all week for Road Safety  Education for the children. 


Ride to school day is Thursday 23rd of March where children are encouraged to ride, scoot, or walk school. 


Getting active at the start of the day is a great way to energize and prepare ourselves for a day of learning. 


Have a great week everyone!


Patricia Boak
