Learning and Teaching

Junior Digital Technology/STEM


Thank you so much to those who brought in donations for our minibeast motel project. This week the juniors were able to work in their groups and create a minibeast hotel out of recycled and natural materials based on their drawn designs. 


It was fantastic to see their problem solving skills in action throughout the building process! Keep an eye out for the minibeast hotels that are now hidden around our school!




LS2 Senior News


The Senior students in Learning Space 2 have been exploring the concept of ‘Patterns’ through the overarching question “How do relationships influence how we live?”.   


They have engaged in the Inquiry Cycle and researched the challenges of Jesus as he disrupted patterns in our world through ‘Rejections, Acceptance and Adaption’. Students have been looking at ‘Adaption’ in our biological world as well and considering “what can nature teach us about changing patterns in our lives?”


Students have been making connections, working on moral dilemmas , and considering how to be an evangelist and not a bystander.  By the end of the term they will be able to explain how changing some patterns in our lives helps us to grow and nourish relationships with ourselves and others. 


Concept question: How do relationships influence how we live? 

Concept phrases: Rejection, Adaption, Acceptance


Students will be presenting their Inquiry Journals to each other in the last week of school and will continue to build on their journals in Term 2.


Amy/Mavis, Sandi, Shehani

LS2 Senior Teachers



Last week St Francis de Sales Primary School played against Rangebank Primary School, both schools showed great sportsmanship.  I commend all teachers and students for a great morning.  


The following scores are:

Soccer Mixed/Boys SFS 2, Rangebank 6, Girls SFS 17 Rangebank 1

Netball Mixed/Boys SFS 4 Rangebank 0, Girls SFS 7 Rangebank 1

Volleyball Mixed/Boys SFS 0, Rangebank 3, Girls SFS 0 Rangebank 3 (SETS)

TBall Mixed/Boys SFS 9 Rangebank 4, Girls SFS 14 Rangebank 12

Cricket Mixed/Boys SFS 130, Rangebank Girls SFS 50 Rangebank 54


This week we continued with the training for our senior students.  Our Grade 5/6's are going through the tactical issues of their sport, and their leadership is showing through.

 The grade 3/4's are enjoying their rotations of the Inter-school Sport activities.




Grade 3/4 continued their summer inter-school sports rotations and Grade 5/6 continued their training. The next inter-school sports match will now be next term.




As part of our Bike Education Program our Grade 6s are currently completing the Level 2: Pathway component of Bike Education. 


We would like 2 parents to assist between 11.30am -1.15pm Friday starting next week: 24/3, 31/3. 


Any parents across the school (Junior or Senior) who has a Working with Children Check and is able to ride a bike and assist in supervising the Grade 6 students please contact Lulli via email at lbarbakos@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au 



We are excited to inform you that we have been offered Melbourne Football Club’s School Player Visit on Tuesday 28th March from 12.30-1.30pm. The session will be an hour in duration and will be split into a Question & Answer session followed by a clinic with the players visiting.


We can only have 60 students participate, so we have asked the Seniors who are interested to put their name in a ballot box by next Tuesday. We will then draw our 60 names to participate.


I would also like to thank Avi, The Multicultural Development Officer working with The Mebourne Football Club, who provided us with this great opportunity.




A reminder to parents that Juniors will have tennis clinics next week. Below are the days the Tennis Clinics will be held for each Learning Space so that you ensure your child is wearing their sports uniform for the day and brings their drink bottle and hat. Reminders will be placed on Morning Gathering as well as in the Newsletter.


Mondays                Learning Space 3 – Week 9 Monday March 20th

Learning Space 1 – Week 10 Monday March 27th 


Tuesdays               Learning Space 2 – Both Week 9 and 10


Wednesdays         Learning Space 1 – Week 9 Wednesday March 22nd

Learning Space 3 – Week 10 Wednesday March 29th

Please note the change for LS3 and LS1 for next week only.



On the last day of term, which will be Thursday 6th April, the whole school will be involved in our traditional Cross Country which will be held here at school. We will be looking for the winning House as well as the winners for each level in the Juniors and age group in the Seniors. We will also be identifying Senior students who will qualify to attend District Cross Country in Term 2. 


If there are any parents able to assist for the Cross Country, please contact Giuliana on gfaiola@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au Senior Cross Country will be from 9-10 and Junior Cross Country from 10-11.


Giuliana & Lulli