
In Humanities this term students in Years 7 to 9 are studying civics and citizenship.
The focus for Year 7's (pictured) is identity and belonging within Australia. They are exploring different facets of Australia’s multicultural society, including the values that help to build a cohesive community.
Year 8's are learning about the structure of Australian government, including how to be active citizens within our democratic system. They have recently unpacked the elements of the Australian constitution, and are gearing up to work in teams to create a new federation.
In Year 9 students are revisiting the concept of identity and belonging, but shifting to view this from a global perspective. They began the term looking at global connections and organisations, and will soon move into creating kits to help address the current United Nations sustainable development goals.
Across all year levels we are very excited to have our new Humanities toolkits! Thanks to Mrs Mitchell, who ordered some amazing stationary for us at the end of 2022, we have these wonderful kits which students are able to access and use to support their studies.