
Opening School Mass 


What a beautiful celebration we had on Friday at St Brendan’s Church as we joined together as a community to celebrate our Opening School Mass. Thank you to the children who participated with reverence and respect. A big thank you to the teachers for preparing the children so well. It was also a wonderful opportunity to welcome and commission our Year Six Leaders of 2023 as they received their leadership badges. We look forward to watching you lead our school community as you wear your badge with pride. 


‘Let the words you speak always be full of grace’


As Paul tells us in Colossians 4, to season our words with salt. This means that the words we say should be tasty and delightful to the people who hear them. Our words, just like salt, can also be used as a preservative. Our words build and strengthen relationships. 

This is at the heart of our thinking this year and as a community we are encouraged to think how our words can uplift or hurt us.












Project Compassion














St Patrick's Day









Term 1 Upcoming Dates 

Monday 3rd April 10am- Fire Carrier Commissioning Ceremony 

Thursday 6th April 11:45am- Stations of the Cross


St Brendan’s Parish Sacramental Program 2023 












Breanna Levesque. 

Religious Education Leader.