From the Principal

  • Reflection 
  • International Women's Day Assembly
  • Maintaining Communication Lines
  • Junior School
  • ISA Grand Finals
  • P&F Annual General Meeting
  • P&F Contact Details
  • Welcome P&F Cocktail Party
  • Open Day
  • Enrolments for 2025


The Farmer and his Fields

For years Jack Thurston has been growing wheat in Murtoa a wheat town in Victoria’s Wimmera district.


Jack and his wife Alice are farming the same lands his father and grandfather worked since the late 1800’s.  For years the Thurston family have toiled in the fields and nurtured the land as they strive to make a living for their family and bring prosperity and security to those they love.


With the wisdom derived from many years of working the land, Jack knows only too well the importance of caring for the land he works. He understands that if the soil does not receive the required nourishment, then it will be unable to be fruitful. He realises the importance of not overworking the soil, but instead, giving it the chance to be renewed and allow part of it to grow other crops so that it may be revitalised.


For the crops to be bountiful, the soil needs to be tended.  For the soil to be properly looked after, those who are in charge need to show the wisdom of experience and care passed down through generations.


What is the good soil that is now becoming our responsibility?

How do we as teachers and parents ensure we nurture the soil?

What fruits would we like to see the soil produce?


These are challenging questions but together we have the responsibility to nurture our sons so that can contribute to making this world a better place for all.


The second week of Lent encourages us to transform ourselves each day.  We only need to fill our lives with what is good, be people who talk with God, and by doing so we will see God.  Let us continue seeing the good in ourselves and in others as we look to transform ourselves daily.

Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!


International Women’s Day Assembly

We were blessed on Monday 6 March to host the senior students from Mercy Catholic College at our International Women’s Day assembly.  The main message from the assembly centred around ‘embrace equity’.  Lily commenced with assisting us by defining ‘feminism’ and how International Women’s Day recognises and acknowledges the amazing achievement and progression of women's equality.  Molly elaborated on the massive misunderstanding of the word feminism while Larissa identified the numerous feminists such as Harry Styles, John Legend and Emma Watson but to name a few. ‘Women are real people’ and it was Liberti that reminded us of this most valuable lesson. With so many clear messages for all of us, Emma was able to connect the narrative by stating the ‘Women’s rights are human rights’.  What powerful messages delivered by outstanding ambassadors for women's equality.  Thank you very much to Lily, Molly, Liberti, Larissa and Emma for their commitment to womens’ rights and gender equality.

Maintain communication lines

Maintaining clear lines of communication between school and home is very important if we are to support our sons especially during these important formation years.  There are times when this communication has not been as transparent as it should be and as such the College has not been able to effectively support the student or the family.  Generally, parents and families have been working exceptionally well in partnership with our staff thus strengthening the co-responsibility we share in raising our students.  Therefore, can I please encourage all families to maintain open and transparent lines of communication with all their sons’ teachers so that we can work together in the formation of our future young men.

Junior School

Our Junior School are currently involved in two important events.  Year 6 have travelled to Canberra for their annual excursion while Year 5 are involved in their first camp with the College.  Both of these events are exceptional in developing the relationships between the students and their teachers.  These are valuable relationships that will support all students as the continue their journey at St Pius X College.  I look forward to hearing some great stories about their experience.  We wish them all a safe trip. 

ISA Grand Finals

Best wishes to all teams as they compete in the grand final matches this weekend.  There are numerous basketball teams involved in the Grand Finals to be held in Penrith and I am confident that they will play to the best of their ability and in a sportsman-like manner. Winning is not everything, nor is it the only thing.  It is how you play the game.  I pray that all our players play in the spirit of sport and that they use their God-given gifts to the best of their ability.  We are extremely proud of you regardless of the result.

P & F Annual General Meeting

On Monday 6 March, I attended the P & F Annual General Meeting.  It was pleasing to see a number of parents involved in this very important arm of the College.  It was also apparent that many members have been serving the College for a significant time and at the year's end, their sons will graduate and their time at St Pius will come to an end.  Therefore, it is important that new members join this important group so that we as a college can continue to be the welcoming and inclusive community that it is. If you are interested in becoming involved in the P&F, please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Gillard at 

P&F Contact Details

Due to changes in privacy requirements, sharing your contact information with the P&F and class representatives is now an OPT IN process. Class parents and the P&F will not receive your information from the school. 

If you do not OPT IN, your class parent co-ordinators, P&F or clubs cannot send you communications about social events, club related information or chat to you on year level WhatsApp info groups.   To opt in, please complete your details through the link below.

Welcome P&F Cocktail Party – Friday 24 March

The date is locked in, Friday 24 March, 7:00 pm at the Chatswood Campus. The caterers are booked, the playlist is being put together.  For those of you who weren’t here last year, this event sold out in days so click here to book your tickets asap! We will be running a raffle this year so watch for an email to find out the prize and purchase tickets online soon!

OPEN DAY - Saturday 18 March

The College OPEN DAY on Saturday on 18 March is upon us.  There are over one thousand people who have registered to attend this important day.  We have numerous students involved throughout the course of the day with tours, musicians, students working on their major works, robotics and students supporting different faculties.  It is essential you book to attend with either of our two campuses.  There are limited vacancies at the Chatswood campus.  I look forward to meeting the new potential students to our college. 





Open Day Volunteers

An important part of our Open Day is our student tour guide volunteers.

If your son would like to volunteer to assist as a tour guide on the day at either our Chatswood or Oxford Falls campus, please use the link attached to put their name down. 

Enrolments for Years 5, 6 & 7 2025 are now open

Enrolment application forms for St Pius X College are now open.  Please see the College website or visit the following link for details.  

The closing date for lodgement of 2025 applications is Friday 28 April 2023.

Live Jesus in our Hearts

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal