‘Learning for Life’ @ Chilwell 


This term we are focusing on KINDNESS

Kindness is being considerate to yourself and to others.

Kindness comes from engaging positive emotions to help us be 

accepting, compassionate and caring.


Congratulations to the following students:   


Term 1 Week 3 2023

Assembly: Friday 17th February 




Mrs Adams Prep MA    

Lucy Stanmore - Great kindness to her friends when they needed help.

Jaxon Torney - Great choices in the playground to be kind!

Miss Hercus Prep BH

Thomas Nolan - For always being kind and helping your friends. Well done!

Quilla Wilson - For always being kind and helping your friends. Well done!

Mrs Burns & 

Miss Robertson

 Prep BR

Clayton Smith - For showing kindness, reassurance and encouragement to a fellow peer. 

Isabella Longmuir - For always showing kindness to her friends.

Mrs Harmer & 

Mrs Stephenson 

 1HSClay Davenport - For being a co-operative friend who always speaks kindly to others.
Mr Perrott 1RPMia Ashton - For looking after our classroom and caring for the environment.
Miss Angliss 1EAMax Djonlagic - For including new friends in his games at recess and lunch. 
Ms Hamilton 2KHLawson Macleod - For showing kindness to his classmate by offering to sit with him in the ‘no hat, no play’ area. 
Mr Smith 2JSMaverick Kincaid - For being kind and considerate to his classmates. 
Mr Osborne 3JOAarav Sharma - For showing care and kindness to everyone in our classroom.
Mrs Eddy 3CEGeorge Ilievski - For displaying a wonderful inclusive nature towards his classmates.
Mrs Walsh 3SWHarry Knight - For demonstrating kindness towards others and completing small acts of kindness
Mr Cole 4JCIsla Allport - For showing care and kindness to her classmates
Mrs Jelenko 4KJYvie Carmichael - For always showing kindness toward her classmates.
Mrs Stynes 5JSQuincy Bowkett - For her kind and caring nature towards her peers and teachers.
Mr Shaw 5SJHarry Growse - For lending his spare hat to a friend when they forgot theirs.
Ms Wieland 6MWFred Kemp - For always showing kindness to his peers and teachers.
Mr Czarnuch 6MCJames Behrens - For treating people with kindness and supporting his friends.
Mrs McLaren & Mrs Gillham 6MGGeorgie Gierisch - For helping her classmates in class. 


Term 1 Week 4 2023

Assembly: Friday 24th February 




Mrs Adams


 Prep A

Fred Grace - Kindness towards others and being a support to his classmates!

Scarlet Duncan - Being a kind friend when classmates needed support.

Miss Hercus


 Prep H

Miriam Walker - For showing kindness by always helping keep our classroom tidy. Well done!

Phoenix Armstrong - For showing kindness by always being willing to help other classmates. Well done!

Mrs Burns & Miss Robertson


 Prep BR

Jude Mamalis - You are so kind to all your friends, we love having you in our grade!

Clemmie Harper- For showing kindness to all your friends, well done!

Mrs Harmer and Mrs Stephenson



Joshua Weeks - For showing kindness to his classmates by sharing resources and ideas.

Otis McCormack - For showing kindness to others through his close listening, hard work and friendly manner.

Mr Perrott


 1RPStevie Bennett - For helping others and looking after the classroom environment.
Miss Angliss 1EA 

Ms Hamilton


 2KHIsla Stanfield - For always being a kind and supportive friend to her classmates.
Mr Smith 2JSMila Parsons - For showing kindness to her classmates when working together.
Mr Osborne 3JOZara O’Brien - For always being a kind and considerate classmate and helping others when in need. 
Mrs Eddy 3CELexi Rafter - For her generosity and kindness towards her classmates by offering to help without being prompted.
Steph Walsh 3SWGracie Costin - For being a kind classmate when others need support.  
Mr Cole 4JC 
Mrs Jelenko 4KJ 
Mrs Stynes 5JSIsla Lycett -

Mr Shaw


 5SJLily Allen - For being an amazing support to her peers, ensuring they always felt included during group learning.
Ms Wieland 6MWHarriet Povey -
Mr Czarnuch 6MCMaggie Fitzgerald - For exceptional kindness shown in class. 
Mrs McLaren & Mrs Gillam 6MG 


Term 1 Week 5 2023

Assembly: Friday 3rd March




Mrs Adams


 Prep A  

Sienna Marshall - Kindness towards others by being helpful.

Moss Stanfield - Kindness to his new friends at school.

Miss Hercus


 Prep H

Bonnie Patterson - For always being kind, caring and respectful of others! Well done!

Hugo Newton - For being a kind, helpful and caring friend to a classmate. Well done!

Mrs Burns & Miss Robertson


 Prep BR

Crispin Middleton - For being so kind to your friends in Gardening Club.

Aizah Ansari - For being a kind and caring friend. 

Well done!

Mrs Harmer and Mrs Stephenson



Eugenie Lovejoy - For treating others with kindness and always striving to do her best.

Emma Healy - For demonstrating kindness to others and taking pride in the classroom by using her initiative to tidy resources.

Mr Perrott


 1RPEthan Chapman - For always being helpful and kind to everyone in his class.
Miss Angliss 1EA

Mietta Neilson - For listening to others and being a kind and caring friend. 

Charlie Nolan - For being a good friend and including others in his game.  

Ms Hamilton


 2KHHunter Vrbovac - For being a kind and considerate class member who always considers the feelings of his peers.
Mr Smith 2JSEmma Loupos - For being kind and considerate to all in the class.
Mr Osborne 3JO 
Mrs Eddy 3CEZach Rudd - For including others and displaying kindness.
Steph Walsh 3SW 
Mr Cole 4JCAlexia Limb - For how accepting and kind you are to all your classmates. You’re a champion!!!
Mrs Jelenko 4KJ

Zach Grundell - For the kind and inclusive manner he has for his classmates.

Sienna Li - For her kind and considerate manner in the classroom.

Mrs Stynes 5JS 

Mr Shaw


 5SJEve Kasper - showing true sportsmanship by supporting her peers during the Cross Country even though she couldn’t participate herself.
Ms Wieland 6MW 
Mr Czarnuch 6MC 
Mrs McLaren & Mrs Gillam 6MGLucia Henrion -


Term 1 Week 6 2023

Assembly: Friday 10th March




Mrs Adams






Prep A

Livia Morgan - Great friendship and kindness towards her peers!

Hugo Scarlett - Great listening and kindness towards his friends.

Miss Hercus


 Prep BH

Coen Bennett - For showing kindness by always helping to keep our classroom tidy and helping peers pack up! Well done!

Jack Knight - For showing kindness by always being a great listener! Well done!

Mrs Burns & Miss Robertson


 Prep BR

Boyd Hamilton- For being a kind and inclusive member of Prep BR

Hayden Fidler- For always demonstrating kindness to everyone in Prep BR

Mrs Harmer and Mrs Stephenson



Caspar Ertiryaki - for being proactive and kindly helping others when tidying up the classroom.

Claire Tian - for showing kindness to her classmates by offering assistance.

Mr Perrott


 1RPViolet Modise - for being a kind, caring and helpful member of grade 1RP.
Miss Angliss 1EALukas Hannam - For showing kindness in the yard and sharing with his friends.

Ms Hamilton


 2KHCharlie Fitzgerald- For showing kindness and consideration by always offering to do extra jobs in the classroom.
Mr Smith 2JSSam Munday- For always being kind and considerate of others.
Mr Osborne 3JO

Scarlett Boddington - for being a kind member of our classroom and always volunteering to help others. 

Atti Fiferfor always helping others and approaching his learning in such a positive way. 

Mrs Eddy 3CEDrew Waller - for noticing another student needed assistance and he used his initiative to assist them, thank you Drew. 
Steph Walsh 3SW

Matilda Upham- For always thinking of ways to help others

Olivia Modise- For always helping others in times of need

Mr Cole 4JCJackson Ryan Egberts- For showing care, kindness and looking out for his classmates. Well done!
Mrs Jelenko 4KJ

Rumana Horrow -For her kind and inclusive manner toward her classmates.

Ian Hwang - For always being willing to help out his classmates and approaching his learning with a positive attitude.

Mrs Stynes 5JS

Winona Yip - For her positive approach working with all members of the classroom

Harrison Zwart - for his inclusive and considerate approach when working with his peers in the classroom

Mr Shaw


 5JSPaddy Rhodes - For supporting his peers and friends by showing compassion and empathy.
Ms Wieland 6MW

Milla Keenan- For consistently demonstrating kindness, empathy and inclusiveness to all.

Leo Bourke- For his inclusive and considerate manner towards his peers and his wonderful sense of humour.

Mr Czarnuch 6MCAustin Wickenton - for always showing wonderful kindness to his friends.
Mrs McLaren & Mrs Gillam 6MGChad Alstin - for always displaying  kindness towards his classmates.