Friday 31st March 2023

Parents/Carers, please sign up this week to volunteer some time with setting up, packing up or assisting with a stall, via the link below.



Food and FunManagers
Blank Space Newtown Mexican with Grade PrepShelley Caiger- Watson
Big 4 Anglesea & Bellarine BBQ with Grade 1Alicia Bennett
Sakura Tei Japanese Sushi with Grade 2Flora
ANZ Mobile Lending Baked Potatoes with Grade 3Tania Gibbie and Lisa Edwards
Bake Sale with Grade 5Anna Hindell
Hot Dogs and South Melbourne Dim Sims with Grade 6Jane Povey, Georgie Patterson, Kristy George
The Sawyers Arms Wine TentGen Dalling and Megan Hamilton

Pakington Dental Care Fun…

Showbags and Glow Products with Grade 6

Face Paint and Hairy Spray with Grade 2

Fairy Floss and Lolly Bags with Grade 2


Allison Henry

Stacey Parsons
Emma Purdue

The Geelong College 

Arcade games - Choc-o-lob, Can Toss, Pick a Pop with Grade 4   (and Gr 6 students)


Marcus Nash


Ghanda  Rides and Farm Krystal Marshall
Lektrix Property Solutions Dunking TankStaff 


The Villarosa Real Estate Stage will come alive with a vast array of talent.  

We are very much looking forward to hearing and seeing the talent on stage,  and thank those for committing time to this, along with Rohan Perrott for his coordination of the entertainment.

                                     Chilwell Fair Entertainment

4:00 – 4:20pmNikita Ginoski
4:20 – 4:30pm Daniel Lim
4:30 – 5:00pmBelmont High School Rock Band
5:00 – 5:30pm Belmont High School Individual Artists
5:30 – 5:45pmGSODA Junior Performers
5:45 – 6:00pm Chilwell School Choirs
6:00 – 7:00pmChilwell’s Got Talent
7:00 – 8:00pm Rohan Perrott and Group
8:00 – conclusionDisco with Matt C

We are now seeking volunteers to: -

  • Pack and prepare lolly bags on Monday March 27th at 9am until 11am, 
  • Order and arrange bake sale items at 9am on Friday March 31st, 
  • Help with the set up and pack up on Friday 31st at 9am, 
  • and pack up 9am on Saturday 1st.
  1. If you have a business that would be interested in an In-Kind donation towards the raffles, prizes or spinning wheel please contact the office via Chilwell.ps@education.vic.gov.au
  2. Be sure to follow Chilwell Fair on Instagram and Facebook for all key information and promotions.  
  3. Contact families and friends and be sure to invite them along to the event.
  4. Please donate blocks of chocolate to the LOB-O-CHOC trailer which was a great hit at the 2022 fair.   Lob-o-choc (along with many other fun activities) will be a Grade 4 run stall this year with the support of some grade 6 students and will create great competition.  

Students dropping off chocolate will receive a raffle ticket with the opportunity to win a Rides Wristband to the value of $35 prior to the fair.


Wristbands went on sale Friday…  This information was sent home with students.  


A huge Thank You to our sponsors for your support.