Deputy Principal - Student Development and Wellbeing

This week I have asked the Pastoral Guardians to share some of their story by considering how they will enjoy the benefits of the easing of restrictions in Queensland.  Each of them as usual has provided their own slant on this, and some have even cheated a little by providing the voice of students to save them from thinking too hard.


For this reason, I have to lead by example and be prepared to share some of my own story. 

As a result, I have decided to consider the twenty people I would invite to my home should I choose to do so (which isn’t likely at the moment because I just finished celebrating a significant birthday for my significant other).


Here is my list in no specific order.  Please note that I am not accounting for whether they will enjoy themselves in the mix of the others I have chosen.  Additionally, some of the people I have chosen are no longer living but, for the sake of a dream list, I cannot leave them out:


  • John Denver – I’ve always been a fan.  Probably says something about my age but the easy listening country ballads and simple chords on the guitar were a great drawcard when I thought I might become a famous singer!
  • My husband – if I did not put him down, I would be in big trouble.  The thing is he would not tolerate John Denver music so that is a bit of a problem.
  • Pope Francis – Would be great to have a down-to-earth conversation with Pope Francis over a glass of wine.  I would be happy to take a list of your questions with me.
  • Doris Day – Doris would have to be there as the major entertainment drawcard.  I would give her a well-cooked dinner just so I could hear her be Calamity Jane.  Best musical ever!
  • My seven brothers and sisters – cheating here but I would actually invite them because they are my closest friends.  They also get on pretty well with each other and it would be great for us to be together in the same household and find a way to visit Mum and Dad in aged care all on the one day (if restrictions ever end).
  • So that’s eleven.  Only nine more visitors to go.
  • Julia Gillard – I had the opportunity to meet Ms Gillard once and she laughed at my joke so she is definitely worth pursuing.  As the current chair of Beyond Blue and recently appointed chair of the UK’s Wellcome Trust (investing in a range of research on COVID-19, amongst other things), Ms Gillard is a formidable person who would be beneficial in providing insight into women in leadership.
  • Justin Hodges – probably wondering why an ex-Broncos' player would be on my list, especially after Julia Gillard, and there is no reason for the placement.  I always regarded Justin as a unique player who would come through when the rest of the Broncos were struggling.  He was a creative and versatile player in my eyes, and we always need someone on a team who can look at things differently.
  • St Clare of Assisi – ever wondered why a young girl from a wealthy family would give up her lifestyle to follow in St Francis’s footsteps?  I sometimes think we can undervalue the importance of her response in wanting to join Francis.  Wouldn’t it be great to be able to ask the question and also get insight into St Francis through her eyes?
  • Michelle Obama – We only learn about Michelle from what we see in the media and both she and Obama appear to be genuinely interested in the poor and marginalised.  Not sure how Michelle would get on with Justin Hodges, but it would be great to meet her in person and see what makes her tick.
  • Craig Zonca – love this ABC Radio breakfast presenter for his down-to-earth manner and delightfulness.  He would be a great addition because he would be good at asking important questions of the other guests.
  • Terry Hayes – the author of I Am Pilgrim.  If you have read this book you would know why it would be intriguing to ask him how long it took to not only write the book but do the research behind it.  I would also ask him to hurry up and release his latest work, The Year of the Locust, which was due for release in 2019!
  • Turia Pitt – it would be hard to find a woman more inspiring than Turia.  As a humanitarian, mining engineer, and motivational speaker, Turia not only teaches others to achieve incredible things but has been able to role model the possibilities.
  • Malala Yousafzai – Mahala doesn’t want to be remembered as the girl who was shot but as the girl who stood up to the oppressors!  The courage of this young woman is phenomenal.  Could be the start of a great friendship between Turia and Malala.
  • Finally, I would need to include myself simply because I have to be counted as one of the twenty; otherwise I would be over the limit.


So that is my list and, let me say, it was not an easy task.  I challenge you to think of your twenty (or nineteen as the case would be).  It makes for a great conversation starter, so why not ask your family members who they would invite?


Thank you for indulging me with your reading of this article.  I am sure there are plenty of others I will think of after this has been published but they will have to wait for Stage 3 lifting of restrictions.

Annette Butterworth