Year 10

Term 2 has presented several challenges. I would like to congratulate both the students and the staff for the way they adapted to the challenges of Remote Learning. Being able to engage with the curriculum through different digital platforms has offered us a new way of looking at how we teach and learn. I hope we continue to incorporate some of these digital components in our learning into the future. 


Preparations for transition continue. On Monday 22 June, students will have an interview with their Homeroom teacher. They will discuss the results of their Pathway Project as well as their Subject Selection Planner. These informal interviews will provide the opportunity to discuss which career pathways the boys are looking into and what subjects they will need next year. 


The formal subject selection interviews will take place on Tuesday, 1 September. Staff from both St James and St Bede’s Colleges will meet with the students and parents to discuss the subject choices and before subject selections are submitted. Students not attending St Bede’s next year are welcome to book an interview. At this stage, we are waiting upon Government advice before we can confirm the format for these interviews. We will notify you with further details early in Term 3 including advice for booking times on PAM.


Unfortunately, the Year 10 Retreat Camp to Anglesea and the Work Experience week has been cancelled. I am hopeful that we will be able to undertake Drivers Education Training after the end of Year exams. I am will update you when I have confirmation. 


Like the boys, I am looking forward to a return to ‘normal’ classes for the remainder of the year. We will continue to support them as they prepare for Year 11 and beyond. Should you have any questions regarding the transition process, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or the Year 10 Homeroom Teachers. 


Stay safe and well.


Year 10 to Year 11 Transition 

SJC 2020 Transition Dates




Friday 5St Bede’s: Yr 11, 2021 enrolment applications due @ SBC Mentone
Monday 22St James: Pathway & Subject Selection Interviews with Homeroom Teacher
Friday 26StBede’s: Enrolment offers posted to families






Wednesday 15

St Bede’s: VCE/VCAL 2021 Information evening @ St Bede’s 7pm DIGITAL 


Tuesday 1

St James: Year 11 SBC VCE/VCAL Subject selection interviews @ SJC 2pm - 6pm (in-person or Zoom) TBA



St Bede’s: FINAL DATE online subject selections due (online) @ St Bede’s



St Bede’s: FINAL DATE for enrolment acceptance to St Bede’s 


Wednesday 11

SBC House Coordinators meeting with SJC students @ SJC 1.45pm – 2.30pm


TBASt James: Year 10 Exam Week 
TBA10.1 / 10.2: Drivers Ed
TBA10.3 / 10.4: Retreat
TBA10.3 / 10.4: Drivers Ed
TBA10.1 / 10.2: Retreat
Tuesday 1

St Bede’s: Meet the Tutor parent evening @ SBC 7pm




 (2 days on campus?) TBA


Thursday 3

St James: Year 10 Graduation Mass and Speech Night


Justin Shepherd

Year 10 Coordinator