Year 7
Welcome Back Year 7 Families!
As we edge closer to the end of the term, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the young men for their efforts in transitioning back into school life. The boys have taken it upon themselves to adapt to the new measures we have had to put in place.
It has been positive to see our staff and students embrace new teaching platforms. We look forward to working with our students to develop teaching programs that will cater to classroom.
Moving into the end of the term could I just remind you of the following:
- If your son is not feeling well the you are required to keep him at home
- In Terms 2 and 3, winter uniform is required to be worn. The uniform includes long trousers, long sleeve monogrammed shirt, college tie and blazer. The college jumper can be worn underneath the blazer if your son is still cold. As the long sleeve shirt must be tucked in I would recommend you allow your son to wear a belt.
Our homeroom teachers are working tirelessly to provide pastoral support. As always, if you have concerns about your son’s wellbeing please contact them via email. If it relates to academic progress the best option is to contact the specific subject teacher directly.
Moving into Semester 2, the expectations placed upon students will be greater than ever before and I have no doubt that they will step up to the challenge. Our staff will be on hand to guide them every step of the way.
I look forward to continuing our partnership throughout Term 3 and beyond.
Billy Natsioulas
Year 7 Coordinator