Religious Education
We have had a very busy and hectic time over the final few weeks of Semester 1, as the young men returned to school from their extended period of remote learning.
From all reports, the boys did very well in their time of working independently from home. The benefits of being organised and maintaining an effective study/work timetable no doubt proved to be very beneficial to the young men. So too, did the support of their families during this challenging term and I offer a very sincere thank you to all who worked together at home over the last couple of months to support their sons (and their siblings) in their remote learning processes.
Of course, during the Covid-19 lockdown, and subsequent return to school, we have not been able to gather together in spiritual settings for our College liturgies which, as we know, are an ongoing and important component of the Catholic Identity at St James College. It is our great hope that we will be able to gather together again at the appropriate time in the second half of the year.
An example of this “re-programming” is one of our annual events on the RE calendar, the Year 10 Retreat. This is normally held at “Araluen” down at Anglesea, in the last week of Term Two. This retreat will now be re-scheduled (and re-located) to the end of Semester Two to accommodate the Transition Program of our Year 10 students as they move into Year 11. This special retreat will provide the students from Year 10 the opportunity to rest and to reflect on their final year at St James College. The retreat will be organised so that there will be time for “reflective sessions” as well as “self-directed time”. It is always a wonderful chance for the boys to relax in a “non-classroom” environment. We are looking forward to this enjoyable experience later in the year.
During this time may your Church be a sign of hope, comfort and love to all.
Grant peace.
Grant comfort.
Grant healing.
Be with us, Lord.
I hope you all enjoy the very well deserved holiday break.
Mr Martin Callanan
Religious Education Coordinator