Principal’s Message
Return to School
Last week we welcomed the students on their return to school and to onsite classes after eight weeks of remote learning. It is wonderful to see the students again, and to enjoy their enthusiasm and energy that they bring to school. The staff have had the previous two weeks preparing for the students return especially around the structures and processes that we have had to put into place for everyone’s safety and for our compliance with the Government COVID-19 requirements.
We are very impressed with the young men and how they have adapted to the changes necessary over this term. As the effects of the virus took hold, Term 1 finished early and the students and staff commenced Term 2 via our remote online learning program which was in place for eight weeks.
The staff greatly appreciate and thank the parents for your support of our work and our processes through this time of remote learning. We acknowledge the many challenges that families have needed to manage with children and parents all working from home together, as well as the extra burdens that the COVID-19 restrictions have added to home and work life.
On their return to school, the students have displayed great maturity and respect as they have followed the required processes in place for the safety of our community. These range from personal sanitation requirements to following directions for the ordered movement of students and staff around the College. I thank the students for their acceptance of these processes and for their ongoing efforts to comply with the adjustments to normal routines.
Moving forward, there have been valuable learnings for both staff and students particularly around how our IT Platforms are able to support the teaching and learning programs. The staff are reviewing our processes and planning for the further integration of these practices into our curriculum delivery.
Lasallian Support
Thank you to our Lasallian Youth Minister, Joel Harriss who has organised a collection for warm clothing for the Balgo community in the North of Western Australia. Over the last five years we have had our Year 10 students and staff travel to the Luurnpa Primary School in Balgo to assist with programs for the students. This year due to the Coronavirus restrictions, and like many indigenous communities, Balgo is closed to visitors and thus we are unable to assist with our regular program. However, another way that we may support the students of this Lasallian school and their community is to send warm clothing for the Winter. Please see the article in this newsletter in which Joel has detailed what items may be donated.
Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews
Over this term, the students have completed their studies with ongoing assessments across their subjects. Thank you to the young men for their diligent approach to the remote online learning program for the first eight weeks and then in class for the last three weeks of term. The majority of our students appear to have worked very well during Semester One and will see the rewards for their efforts. The students should also be congratulated on their determination to develop their own abilities through setting their Personal Learning Goals and employing approaches to achieve each goal.
The partnerships that we as teachers and educators, have with our students and their parents, is vital for improving the outcomes for our young men. Having strong partnerships enables the necessary discussions to take place in order that the students are receiving the relevant supports that they may require both at school and at home.
The Parent/Student/Teacher interviews are scheduled to be held during Term Three and will provide the opportunity for such discussions to continue, as well as a review of Learning Goals and the strategies of each young man in order that progress is continuing through the year. At this stage and as we await further Government updates on the COVID-19 restrictions, we are planning for the interviews to occur – hopefully face to face, or if required, via online means. Further details will be provided at the commencement of Term Three.
Year 10 Program
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the Year 10 Retreat and Driver Education days have had to be postponed until later in the year. We will be scheduling these activities in the concluding weeks of the year and before the St Bede’s College Year 11 Transition days take place.
Term 2 Conclusion
As this will be the last Newsletter for the term, I take this opportunity to thank all members of the St James College community: students, parents, and staff, who, during the course of a very different Term 2, adapted to changing circumstances and contributed to make St James College a place where our students have had the opportunity to be challenged and to learn.
May the Lord watch over all associated with the College during the coming holiday period, and may these holidays be an opportunity for relaxation and for enjoying, hopefully, a more normal time with our families.
Stephen Pooley
Recent Additions
Congratulations to Mr George Vlamakis and his wife Tamsin on the recent birth of Annika Joy.
Congratulations to Mr Stephen Kennedy and his wife Karen who recently have become Grandparents twice over to Eli Creighton and to Sam Myles.