Policy Updates

Policy Updates

A number of policies have been updated recently. Below are the changes relevant to parents and guardians. The full copies of these policies can be viewed upon request or a number are available on our website. 

Administration of Medication

  • ensuring that any medication to be administered is recorded in the KidsXap medication record providing a current medical management plan when their child requires long-term treatment of a condition that includes medication, or their child has been prescribed medication to be used for a diagnosed condition in an emergency
  • ensuring that the details of authorised persons are kept up to date in the child’s KidsXap enrolment form
  • ensuring that prescribed medications to be administered at the Service are provided in their original container with the label intact, bearing the child’s name, dosage, instructions and the expiry date (Regulation 95(a)(i))
  • ensuring that prescribed medications to be administered at the Service are within their expiry date
  • physically handing the medication to a staff member and informing them of the appropriate storage and administration instructions for the medication provided
  • clearly labelling non-prescription medications and over-the-counter products (for example sun block and nappy cream) with the child’s name. The instructions and use-by dates must also be visible
  • ensuring that no medication or over-the-counter products are left in their child’s bag or locker
  • taking all medication home at the end of each session/day. This does not relate to medication kept at the premises for an ongoing medication condition.
  • informing the Service if any medication has been administered to the child before bringing them to the Service, and if the administration of that medication is relevant to or may affect the care provided to the child at the Service
  • ensuring that their child’s enrolment details are up to date, and providing current details of persons who have lawful authority to request or permit the administration of medication.


Emergency and Evacuation 

  • reading and complying with the requirements of this Excursions and Service Events Policy
  • completing the authorised nominee section (refer to Definitions) of their child’s enrolment record (refer Enrolment and Orientation Policy) before their child commences at the service
  • completing, signing and dating excursion/service event authorisation forms
  • providing written authorisation for their child to leave the service premises on routine outings 
  • reading the details of the excursion or service event provided by the service and asking for additional information if required
  • providing items required by their child for the excursion or service event 
  • understanding that, if they participate in an excursion or service event as a volunteer, they will be under the immediate supervision of an educator or teacher at all times
  • completing and returning the Parent Emergency Information (Attachment 2) and Excursion Parent Help Information (see Attachment 3) prior to attending an Excursion.
  • contacting the school in the case of an Emergency where they need to be in contact with their child who is on an Excursion 
  • if participating in an excursion or service event, informing an educator immediately if a child appears to be missing from the group
  • supervising and caring for siblings and other children in their care who are not enrolled in the program
  • complying with all service policies while participating in an excursion or service event including the Code of Conduct Policy, Road Safety and Safe Transport Policy, Sun Protection Policy and Hygiene Policy.

Enrolment and Orientation

  • reading and complying with the General Enrolment Procedures (Attachment 1 of the Enrolment and Orientation Policy)  Available online at https://www.oakleighps.vic.edu.au/policies-2
  • completing online enrolment prior to their child’s commencement at the service including providing a birth certificate in English and acceptable immunisation documentation of their child’s immunisation status. This being the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) Immunisation History Statement 
  • ensuring that all required information is provided to the service including but not limited to action plans, permission forms, fee and funding agreements
  • updating information through KidsXap and/or by notifying the service of any changes as they occur.
  • where a child is on an immunisation catch-up schedule, ensuring that the child’s immunisations are updated in line with the schedule and providing acceptable immunisation documentation to the service
  • working towards their child being toilet trained prior to commencing in the funded or non-funded kinder program at OPSK.  If there are issues preventing this to speak to the Teacher prior to their child commencing at the service. 
  • making informed decisions about starting their child in the three or four year old program whose birthdays occur in the months of January and April in the year they are commencing in the appropriate program
  • attending the relevant Information Night in the year prior to their child commencing at OPSK