Staying healthy at kinder

The Department of both Education and Health have both re-emphasised that the most important thing that we can do to protect the health and safety of our community is for staff, children and families to stay home when they are unwell. The school sent home the following detailed protocol in response to this:


With regards to COVID-19, we need to have a clear understanding of what Oakleigh Primary School deems as SICK so we know when NOT to send our students to school for the safety of others.


Oakleigh Primary School will be strict with hand hygiene and health safety for all our students and staff members. 


If your child is suffering from a persistent cough (a cough that is persistent for more than one hour that is NOT Asthma or an allergic ailment like Hay fever) your child is SICK AND SHOULD NOT BE ATTENDING SCHOOL.   


If your child is suffering from a persistent runny nose (for more than one hour) that is NOT allergy related, your child is SICK and not well enough to attend school.


If your child has an upset tummy – with pains and showing signs of being uncomfortable – please do not send your child to school as they are SICK and not well enough to attend school.


If your child complains of a sore throat (a throat that is red on examination of the back of the throat) then your child is SICK and not well enough to attend school.


If your child has a fever higher than 37.5 – please do not send them to school.

If your child requires Panadol before attending school for a headache, sore throat, body aches and pains or fever please do not send your child to school.

If your child has vomited at home, please keep them at home from school for a full 24 hours from the last vomit. No student should be at school if they have had diarrhoea within the last 24 hours. Parents or carers of students who are deemed unwell at school will be contacted and asked to collect their child/ren as soon as possible.  The School has now purchased an Infrared Thermometer which may be used to help assess a student’s health.

If you can not collect your child within a reasonable time (within an hour), please arrange for someone you trust to collect them on your behalf and let the School know.  Parents may need to put a plan in place in case this scenario arises.

In order to minimise the spread of infection, we need the whole community to understand the importance of keeping your child/ren at home if they are sick and they must not return to school until all symptoms have ceased for 24 hours.

We understand that these tough restrictions on student attendance will be an inconvenience to many parents however these are unprecedented times and the health and safety of all of our students and staff needs to be considered.

If you have any questions or concerns with the present communication, please do not hesitate to contact the School.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.