Kinder happenings

What's been happening at kinder

Autumn is coming to an end but the colours continue to inspire us through play, art and conversation.

Kinder children enjoyed woodworking in creating their own geoboards.

Spiders continue to interest us in our program, making our own spider webs and learning through books and educational videos all about spiders. The children in the Blue Group took this one step further by creating a giant spider web on an A frame. They also made spiders from paper plates and insects from bottle tops to stick on the web.


This week we took part in the National Simultaneous Storytime, reading 'Whitney and Britney, Chicken Divas'  by Lucinda Gifford and making our own fancy diva tiaras and eggs. The children have requested this story over and over. 



National Sorry Day was on May 26 and Reconciliation Week is May 27-June 3. We have been learning a lot about the importance of the word "sorry", when we say it and why and the importance of doing and saying nice things to people. We have explored Indigenous culture through art, stories and videos. The children have watched a video shared by the NGV which highlighted the importance of saying sorry and they have also watched a video produced by Yarn Strong Sistas which includes a story, a craft activity and lessons on Indigenous symbols and words. This video can be found at: Purple group made their own Bunjil puppets and took them out to our Indigenous garden to sing a new song called 'Wominjeka'. We also learned about bush tucker and the concept of the word 'Indigenous' and how it relates to people, plants and animals.