Drop off protocol 

This week the school began it's return to face to face learning with preps to grade twos excitedly returning back to school! Kinder children this week have loved talking to siblings and family friends through the fence at lunch time and recess and this week we were able to play again on the school playground! Staff have loved hearing the happy sounds of school children laughing and playing again onsite.

Kinder attendance has continued to grow over the term, based on family feedback most children will be attending kinder onsite by June 9th when grades 3-6 return to face to face teaching at school. 

In line with Victorian Government recommendations we encourage all families to consider their child recommencing attending kinder onsite by June 9th. Having said that we understand that for some families there may be reasons where this may not be possible. Please speak to your child's teacher if you want to talk through any concerns about returning to kinder. 

Kinder drop offs and pickups are now occuring at the back fence by the bowling club. Please note that this area is used by the groundskeepers of the bowling club, vehicles may use this laneway at any time. We ask that parents supervise children closely and be aware of the potential for vehicles to be entering or leaving the laneway. 

In line with school protocols for return to onsite attendance  parents are asked to drop and pick up their child at the gate. In cirumstances where this may not be possible please speak with your child's teacher to make other arrangements.

At this time we are still able to have face to face meetings if you would like to discuss your child's development, with physical distancing of 1.5 metres between adults. We are also of course available to speak over the phone or by email.