Parents and Friends

MS Readathon 

Embark on an epic adventure with us this August! The MS Readathon inspires kids to read as much as they can, all for an incredible cause. The rules are simple. Read whatever you like, as much as you can, in August. This year’s MS Readathon will be a magical quest, and the adventure kicks off on August 1 and wraps up on August 31. 

Children can register as part of our school by searching for: 




Best of all, by joining our quest, not only will you awaken a love of reading, you can raise money and help kids who have a parent living with MS. Funds raised will go towards sending kids on awesome Family Camps. The MS Readathon is a wonderful way for kids to help other kids, all while falling in love with the wonder and magic of reading.

Register now and get your child a free MS Readathon pencil case.


Register your child now for the MS Readathon and they will receive a very cool and FREE MS Readathon pencil case to store all their favourite pens and pencils in. BUT HURRY – pencil cases are limited edition and will only be available until 1 July or until they run out.



If you have any questions about the MS Readathon, please email

Second hand uniform stall 

The second hand uniform shop will be open by appointment only on a fortnightly basis in Term 3. Please keep an eye on the newsletter for the next date. All items are only $5. 


If you have uniform in good condition that your kids no longer need, please donate this to the school. We are very grateful for your donations as the funds raised go directly back into the school community. Donations of laundered uniform can be made at the school office.

Popcorn will be back in Term 3!!

We are excited to announce that popcorn sales will be back on every Friday in Term 3! Thank you to Christine and Ange for volunteering to help us with this. Popcorn will be available for 50c at first lunch. 





Kindness Message


We all want to raise children who understand the importance of kindness. There is no better way to teach our kids kindness than leading by example. The attached pdf contains two notes you can print off – the idea is for you and your child to write messages of kindness to each other. Let’s tell our kids something we enjoyed about being stuck in isolation with them – and show them what kindness in action looks like.

Credit: Extracted from ‘My Lockdown Diary’ by Stephen McCarthy