Education in Faith


In this week’s Gospel, Jesus tells his followers that they are precious in God’s sight and not to be afraid. He assures his followers that God will protect them. 


As human beings we all experience pain and suffering. Although we may feel overwhelmed by the suffering in the world, our faith teaches us that God does not cause pain and suffering. We may never fully understand why suffering touches the lives of so many undeserving people. However, with the understanding that suffering is linked to the misuse of free will, we can be more aware of the choices we make and how they affect the world around us. 


One thing that we can rely on is that God does not abandon us in our suffering. The saving hand of God is often experienced as a loving presence to the faithful in their suffering. Moreover, with trust in God, much personal growth can come out of one’s struggles. When we suffer, we are joined with Jesus who suffers with us. Jesus became a human being and endured what we ourselves endure, that is, suffering and death, to save us from our sins.

Believers who stand up for gospel values may find themselves persecuted for their beliefs. Martyrs are people who give their lives in faithfulness to the God who loves us. Through their sacrifice, they strengthen the faith of all believers.


I wonder…………

  • why Jesus tell his friends not to fear?
  • how Jesus shows his followers that they are not alone?
  • how Jesus teaches his followers that they are precious to God?
  • what I can learn from the suffering of Jesus?
  • how we reach out to others who are suffering?
  • who are some present day martyrs?





Let us pray:  

Dear God, thank you for always caring for us and loving us.  Help us to care for others.  In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray.






The 5/6 Social Justice Action Team needs your help!

For the winter appeal we are collecting non-perishable food and toiletry items for the people in need and we need YOU to donate canned food, blankets and toiletries.


The totals so far for our House competition is: 

           MACKILLOP           39

           BOSCO                     23

           TERESA                    9

           PATRICK                   8


Whoever brings in the most non-perishable items wins,

 but any expired food won’t count.


Congratulations to LS3 who brought in the most items so far 34!