Learning and Teaching


As part of their Action Team, AL was set the challenge to use their leadership skills and organise an action in the community that would enable them to have fun and give them hope during this difficult time.


It was amazing to see all the different things that the students came up with!!! 

From baking cakes, to washing cars, donating books just to mention a few. 

Well done AL and thanks for the photos you shared!!

Washing cars
Washing cars




Friday June 26th, 2020

The SFS Cross Country Fun Run is on Friday June 26th, 2020 and it will be held at school. Seniors will be involved from 9.15 – 10.45 and Juniors 11.30 – 12.30. The track will start behind LS2 and go along the side of the basketball courts, out the gate behind the playground, along the footpath, back in the gate near the playground, along the front of the school in the car park and then back through to the oval.  Gates to the car park will be closed and there will be staff supervising along the track.


Foundation:                   Once around the track

Grade 1:                          Once around the track

Grade 2:                          Once around the track

9/10 year olds:             Two times around the track     

11 year olds:                 Three times around the track

12/13 year olds:           Three times around the track


There will be separate races for boys and girls in each age or grade level. Students placing in the first ten will be awarded a ribbon and those who are first in each race will have their names engraved on the school trophies that are kept in our trophy cabinet.


Students will be required to wear their sports uniform as they will be running, but we hope that they will wear a t-shirt that is in their house colour and wear other accessories such as hats, scarves… in their house colour. They will also need to bring their drink bottle. Please also remember to update your child’s profile on Care Monkey and acknowledge you have done so on the Cross Country notification.


Teresa House - Blue

MacKillop House – Yellow

Bosco House – Red

Patrick House – Green


Unfortunately parents will not be able to attend this event but we will inform you about who wins each race and the winning House.


Unfortunately, due to the current situation, the winners of Cross Country will not be able to proceed to District, Divisional or Regional level. However School Sports Victoria (SSV) who organises our Interschool Sports events has developed a Virtual Cross Country that students from Foundation – Grade 6 can participate in. I have included the link below if you would like your child to participate. This might be a great way to practise for our Cross Country!!



Lulli and Giuliana



Thanks from our friends at St Kevin's.


On St Kevin's Day a couple of weeks ago our children surprised classes at St Kevin's by sending them gift boxes. Each beautifully wrapped box contained a Teddy bear with lots of lovely message from a Home Group at St Francis de Sales to wish our friends at St Kevin's a very Happy and blessed St Kevin's Feast Day. We could not meet but we found a way to connect.


This week it was our turn to be surprised! A lovely box of thank you cards arrived at St Francis de Sales from our friends at St Kevin's. We were touched by the lovely messages and even little books we received. Friendship has blossomed despite all the restrictions and we cannot wait for when we can get together face to face.




This term the senior students have been working on writing Biographies on influential Australians. The students have found it interesting discovering information about the life and background of people who helped make Australia the country it is today. 



‘I learnt that Bronwyn Bancroft is a prominent fashion designer and an artist – Shenise 6PP


‘I learnt that Eddie Mabo is an Australia land right activist – Gabby – 6TP


I learnt that Adam Goodes did work against racism – Thalia 6TP 


I learnt that a Biography is all about famous people in history and writing about their life – Xavier 4MF